Gallimatias: Norrsken w.3

Nov 10, 2010 21:21

Here are the first "offsprings" to move out!

So, these are the three kids of Venus Natur, finally out on their own!

Their little box!

Q: Romance Sim, Scorpio, Become Celebrity Chef
Turn-ons: Logic and Cleaning
Turn-off: Red hair

Bra'tac: Pleasure Sim, Leo, Become Game Designer
Turn-ons: Glasses and Unemployment
Turn-off: Cleaning

Miral: Family Sim, Pisces, Reach Golden Anniversary
Turn-ons: Jewelry and Blondes
Turn-off: Fatness

Since her LTW isn't career related, she gets no career. So she does this. A lot.

Miral sometimes invites her girlfriend, Silver by xie_belle.

Q got fired after his first day, due to me failing on a chance card. Ooops.
He got it back at once though :)

That gotta hurt, Miral.

And then most of the week had gone by, and it was birthday time! For some reason

though, I seem to be lacking in pictures after they blew the candles.

Except for Silver! Yes, she moved in! Her LTW is to become Criminal Mastermind.

And Miral gets to loose her virginity!


Yes, this totally became the Silver/Miral show.

And we end this with a picture of a pregnant, pretty Miral!

gallimatias:natur, gallimatias:norrsken, gallimatias

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