Chesterstead w 8: Clarke

Sep 14, 2011 20:43

Narrated by Nina Clarke

Sarah is an adult. It does make things easier as she can now help Roxie a lot more around the house.

I'm still just a teenager and have to go to school. I guess it's ok, I meet a lot of people there. Like Guinea. She's fun!

Alex grew up too.

He left, said he needed to work on his music. He lives in one of the trailers not too far from here, but I don't go visit him as often as I'd like. He works odd hours and it's a bit scary up there.

Well... it was quite the surprise when it turned out Sarah was pregnant. I was quite excited to become an aunt, but I could see that this wasn't really what Sarah or Roxie had planned for.

I think they're handling it quite well though; they try to get out of the house and do things just the two of them before the baby comes.

I guess I'll have to be the funny aunt then.

Uhm yeah, I cut my hair. Liked it better this way.

Me and Sarah get along great, I find it sad she and Alex never did.

Roxie got some extra money from all her hard work, and decided to buy a vacation home! I do hope we'll get the chance to go soon!

Then it was time for my birthday! I wanted a huge party!

Sarah had helped me with the food all day.

Roxie looked really sharp in that dress.

I guess I've always liked him, so kissing Pluto wasn't such a big step. But now I don't really know if I want to go any further. I'm not too sure he's really my type.

The bubble blower was so much fun!

I really enjoy being an adult.

I want to become a professional party guest, so I try to go out as much as I can.

I love getting home in the early morning after a good night out.

This particular morning however, I wasn't allowed back into my bed!

Tina baby Talitha! She's so beautiful and tiny and pretty and tiny.

Sarah is quite a good mother.

Roxie seems to be tired of small babies, however. Oh, don't get me wrong, they both love Talitha, but it's as if they're quite happy I'm at home during the days (I've begun writing Restaurant Guides) so I can look after her.

I wonder though, Sarah with her big family, why aren't they helping out? I know her older brother might be viewed as a bit weird (the kids are fun though) but she has great parents and a funny brother (I still remember playing there as a kid).

Yeah, Sarah really hates when it gets dirty around the house.

I enjoy shopping at Emengarde's little grocery store.

And I always meet such nice people there.

Talitha's birthday was such a great thing. I was probably more excited than the parents!

Now that Talitha is older, Roxie seems to enjoy spending time with her a lot more.

sarah is doing a great job trying to potty train Talitha. It's going slower than teaching her to walk!

One day, Roxie told us she's reached the top of her career! For some one so young, that seems quite amazing!

We still try to find time to just hang and talk about what's going on in our lives.

One evening we had a burglary!

It was so scary, but Sarah heard him and managed to call the police!

The police did suck though, he managed to run off.

Well, this place might not be the calmest place for a kid, and it's not as if we even try to put up that many rules or teach her any routines (there's always one of us awake anyway). But I hope Talitha will grow up to be a happy kid. I know I was.
- This family has really grown on me!
- Talitha was not planned, but romance sims do have a tendency to enjoy woohoo-ing ;)
- Nina is becoming a favourite of mine. She's quite awesome.

chesterstead: clarke, chesterstead

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