Chesterstead w 8: Svedala-Hayes

Sep 11, 2011 19:22

Narrated by Rhianna Svedala

Klas is spending quite a lot of time in the garden these days. He seems happy taking care of his plants.

He also help Sigurd with his newly started business. I know Sigurd is still a teenager, but he seems determined to learn how to run businesses. I hope he will one day want to inherit his grandmother's store, but Klas thought it was a great idea to let him try with something he really wanted to work with first.

So after school, Sigurd and Klas goes to his little clothing store.

I felt so sorry for him when I heard that the Evil Witch had turned up at his store one evening; they always bring with them such nasty germs!

Sigurd says that he hopes to turn the place into a store with only male clothing one day, but in order to boost sales first he'll have to make it an unisex store. It's also great fun when Stina comes by to shop there.

We were all very happy to hear about the review Sigurd received one day!

And suddenly my little baby Sixten was growing up too!

Klas decided to quit his job.

At first I was really happy, hoping this would mean spending more time with me and Sixten.

But in reality it's the garden that takes up most of his time.

Sigurd brought home this really nice girl one day. I was trying to see if there might be something more about her, but Sigurd seemed quite annoyed at me for even implying such a thing. Teenagers.

He's very dedicated to his goals right now; at first when he come home he does his homework,

and then it's off to the store.

Me and Sixten spend most of the days at home.

I do leave Sixten to Klas some days and head to my store.

I like it there, and I enjoy meeting all my customers and neighbours.

Sigurd and Einar get along well, and I think Einar is quite impressed by his cousin's store.

One day, Sigurd brought home his friend Sven. And let's put it this way: I realised why he'd been so annoyed at me for implying things about him and Guinea. I do think Sven might be the one my dear son fancies. (Sven by backerbse)

My little Sixten suddenly grew up! He's already old enough to go to school!

Stina comes by sometimes. It makes me very happy and it's wonderful to see her and Sixten get along so well!

One day, something happened to Klas. He said that he had suspected all along that his father's family might have these genetics; that if they spend too much time in the gardens, they would eventually share traits with the plants and trees. I was a bit vary of the change. He does seem very... happy, however.

Sixten has showed great interest in his father's garden. I have to be honest, this love for nature and the "half-plant"-part does scare me a bit.

Siurd wanted to expand and we decided to help him in his endeavours. And Chesterstead doesn't have a pet store yet, so why not?

I hope Sixten will look up to his brother's entrepreneurship and the goal oriented way he does things and I hope that he will keep a good relationship with his older sister.

I also hope me and Klas will find a way back to each other.

- Sorry for all the sadness! I just... felt it was necessary to portray a family that wasn't all sunshine and happiness and Klas and Rhianna has really spent a lot of time apart and they don't really roll any wants for each other, so this seemed in character.
- Klas had actually been rolled to die this week. Yep, since I passed the 100 inhabitants- line I now roll every week for random deaths. However, supernatural sims have to be rolled twice to be killed off, so he managed to bypass that by being turned.
- This took em so long to write! I just couldn't find Rhianna's voice there for a while.

chesterstead:svedala, chesterstead

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