Chesterstead w 6: McNulty

Jun 05, 2011 20:59

Narrated by Anya McNulty

Since both me and Jen had full-time jobs, we had finally been able to buy a new house. And in the last moment too; having a second child on the way had made us painfully aware on how small our former house was!

Samantha just loved her new room. It was huge! It easily fit two cots, a changing table and all the toys.

Jen worked hard on her career; I really missed my job but currently I was the stay-at-home mother.

And oh gods, no matter if you've done this before you never get used to the pain!

But she was worth it. Our little Amanda!

Me and Jen try to find time for each other. But with a baby and a toddler and Jen's work, it's hard. I fear we have... lost each other a bit. It's not a bad situation, but we're not as close as we used to be. There just isn't time to just talk, much less anything else.

When I see little Amanda smile, I do feel a lot better. Maybe it's just the baby-years putting a strain on us? Doesn't all relationships have ups and downs?

I tried to excercise as much as I could during my stay-at-home period; I knew I needed to be in tiptop shape once I got back.

We were so happy about the money! We didn't really need all of it and Jen came up with the brilliant idea to donate it towards a future University for Chesterstead.

My little baby Amanda wasn't a small baby anymore!

And Sam was definitely not a baby! She was looking forward to starting school any day now!

I guess we tried to put up more of an effort to actually do things together now.

Well, I guess some one had watched her mother practice.

I love my job, I really do.

But it does hurt a bit to have to hand my kids over to a nanny during the days. Oh I know they don't hurt too much from it and to Sam it's not that big a thing; she comes home from school and one hour later we're back home too. But I really feel bad about not being more with Amanda as I was with Sam.

We were so happy when Jen finally became General! We did throw a mini-party; just the two of us.

We had a fire! I was so scared, but luckily Jen had made sure we had a working extinguisher and was really fast in putting it out. I really hope we'll get a fire station closer to Chesterstead one day.

I do love being married to a General, but the chopper is quite loud!

More money to donate!

Sam loves her little garden. She's very excited for her sister to grow up so she can show it to her.

She doesn't like her homework as much.

The second fire I was more prepared, but I was still quite scared.

Suddenly, even more years had passed and Amanda was now ready to start school too.

Well, yes. We bought a pool.

The girls loved it!

I really do love my little family. To come home to my two little girls and my lovely wife; such a treat!

I still need to exercise quite a lot though.

Jen became a beautiful and happy elder. We've been talking about her retiring but decided that not yet. She still loves her job too much.

Amanda had a bit of a ballerina-phase. I guess I might've talked quite often about my job.

I guess life for the most part is just very normal, even for a General and an aspiring World Class Ballet Dancer with two kids. There's still showers to repair and rooms to clean.

And kids heading off to school.

Featuring sims by maranatah

chesterstead, chesterstead:mcnulty

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