Chesterstead w 6: Dawes

Jun 05, 2011 19:59

Narrated by Eve Dawes

I can't say I put too much effort into our business these days; they do fine on their own. I am much more interested in working on my health.

Helping Sarah and David with their home works, making dinner when they come home and play with them takes up a lot of time too. I am happy to feel as if I have that time.

But time does go by fast.

Sarah Dawes
Pleasure/Romance, Scorpio (10-3-9-9-1)
OTH: Sports
Turn-ons: Brown hair and Cleaning
Turn off: Black hair
LTW: Become Game Designer

David Dawes
Family/Knowledge, Cancer (6-3-6-4-6)
Turn-ons: Blonde and Gray Hair
Turn-off: Swimwear
LTW: Marry off 6 children

It's so much fun to notice how the boys look like me, whereas Sarah has definitely inherit traits from her father.

Adam got an amazing bonus at work, and thanks to that we could purchase a house. And the children were happy they didn't have to walk to the school bus stop anymore; the bus would stop outside their house now.

I really do love the living room; no tv or computer here, just the chess board, loads of bookshelves, two easels for painting and a piano!

And I could finally exercise properly!

Uhura Carter has just moved to Chesterstead and she was walking around to greet her neighbours and get to know the place.

Naturally, I invited her in. She has a baby boy too, little Daniel. I told her she had to bring him along some day. I do love children.

I decided to throw me and Adam an Anniversary Party! I've always wanted one.

It was great fun that Joseph decided to show up. We've sadly lost contact a bit. He is very much like his father; he wants to know everything. But I am afraid he might be taking it a bit far.

All in all though, people had a great time. It was so much fun to get to celebrate our marriage surrounded by the friends we've made here in Chesterstead. Sometimes I shudder when I remember how things were, and how different our lives would've been hadn't me and Adam come here. If we'd been alive.

Ah well, no use dwelling on the past. David decided to try dating.

She seemed quite nice. He of course didn't introduce us, but I sneaked a peak from the windows. (Jelly by charterzard)

Of course, his sister couldn't not find a date as well. She did tell me a bit about the girl afterwards. Apparently her name is Roxanne Clarke, also a new resident of Chesterstead. She and Sarah had met in school. Sarah told me the poor girl is stuck raising her siblings as their parents died a few years back.

Sarah did invite Roxanne and her brother, Alexander, over one day.

I can sense Roxanne wants to be as carefree as Sarah and David can be, but at the same time she has to be "the mother" of her siblings; she's always fussing over Alexander and making sure he says "thank you" properly, asks if he's hungry or make sure he isn't running around all over other people's property.

Well, I enjoy having them over and I hope that Roxanne knows that both she and her brother (and their little sister, whom I haven't met) are always welcome; even if she and Sarah don't work out properly.

And me and Adam? Still the happy couple.

- I was SO surprised when Roxanne Clarke showed up as Sarah's date. She has just been added to the 'hood and you'll soon get to meet her properly!
- The thing about the school bus? Apparently there was a glitch over at the apartments (one of many) that made the school bus never showed up! The kids had to walk to school everyday.
- This was Eve's wants in the beginning of me playing:

He's a new guy added to the 'hood. I have no idea when he and Eve met; but apparently she took a liking to him. Damn you, maranatah! ;)

Featuring sims by petchy_14 and wolfing_patina

chesterstead, chesterstead:dawes

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