Chesterstead w 5: The Svedala's

May 08, 2011 20:04

Narrated by Inga Svedala

Klas had saved some money and made plans and now it was time for him to move out. He's 18 so I guess it's time.

But it felt weird for both me and Hecktor to see our little baby leave! I can still remember the day he was born and his toddler years; suddenly he's a grown man leaving home!

But we had a lot to keep ourselves busy from thinking about it too much; Groceries for Families was doing very well and that meant both of use were sometimes needed to work there.

Sven got fired from his work in the Music-career. At first he was quite upset, but after a while he said it had never felt like his thing anyway. he is more and more talking about taking over one of our businesses one day. That makes me really happy!

Especially as it was time for me to become an elder. I wouldn't have the same energy anymore to take care of my store.

But I was fine with entering this stage of my life. I have three more or less grown sons, a successful store and had published two books; a third on the way!

Sven was still dating a lot of girls. I know Hecktor talked to him about it; telling him to be careful. Even if it seemed like just fun for now, someone might get hurt. And I think he encouraged Sven to use protection too. I love the idea of being a grandmother; but not YET!

My third book; In This Sky. I love writing about aliens!

As both of our mortgages were finally paid off, the money we made could now be spent on things like expanding Groceries for Families!

Abigail is still such an amazing help!

Hecktor and the boys have such a good relationship. We haven't had too much teenage drama with any of the boys.

Hecktor hired Cardiff to his store. There was so much to do there now! (Cardiff by sixamsims)

He also hired Santana. She is very inexperienced but Hecktor makes sure to take the most costumers so that she can practice in her own time. (Santana by smustleparty)

Hecktor became elder too. We began discussing what to do with the stores. Did we want to take it easier, did we want to sell the stores or give them to our children? Do something else?

We might be older now, but the spark is still there.

Ah, Sven. Sometimes his flirting doesn't work at all. I guess he has to learn, haha. (Sumemr by racing_oatmeal

Simon found a cute girl to date, too. At least it was just one! (Emengarde by charterzard)

We managed to get Groceries for Families to climb very high! This was great news and allowed us to start with our next adventure.

We had decided that our years from now on would be spent working in an art gallery! We are both very interested in art and this will be such an amazing opportunity for us. We think it will be a quit calm job in comparison to selling groceries and baby toys. The two other stores will be passed on to the children who wants them!

- Inga is the one interested in Arts and Crafts, it's her OTH. I can't remember Hecktor's.
- Since Sven only wants to woohoo I have a feeling he will move out and then continue his adventures. He might take over one of the businesses but I'm not sure yet.
- It might make more sense if Simon took over Inga's Little Store for Small people; seeing as he is a Family sim. He will be the one to inherit the house anyway.
- For Klas to take over Groceries for Families might be good; he wants to be Hall of Famer, but I have yet to play him and find out if perhaps he will marry someone who wants to own a business? :)
-I did think it would be weird for Inga to tell about all of Sven's woohoo's, but here's a list!

Brianna by engram_au


Maia by quellasims


Pluto by simtopi


Elak by cosmetical

Woebegone by katu_sims

Irralee Holmqvist


Astaroth Sukaserm

Santana by smustleparty


Mia by obliviouspoo

Woody Moonbeam

-What a family, eh? ;)

Sims by: petchy_14, katu_sims, smustleparty, racing_oatmeal, charterzard, engram_au, quellasims, simtopi, cosmetical and obliviouspoo

chesterstead:svedala, chesterstead

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