Princess Mia, by Meg Cabot

Jun 06, 2008 11:08

Princess Mia
by Meg Cabot
274 pages (hardcover)
Genre: Fiction/YA

The Princess Diaries series is getting ever more uncreative with titles. Anyway, I predicted or suspected most of the plot points in this, but it was an incredibly fast read and Mia remains interesting, so I didn't mind. Still emotionally affecting and very easy to empathize with her--but good God, I'm scared of having a long-term relationship now. And I think what Mia did was idiotic, because it's not something I would do and therefore, given its importance to the plot, I found it a little hard to accept. That said, I really like how Mia has grown up throughout the series, while still being classically adolescent. Maybe Cabot has finally learned multi-book foreshadowing, too--Boris is acting a little suspicious.

Good book, more substantial development than some of the more recent fluff volumes in the series. Do not start reading with this one, though. It will make no sense. Go back and read The Princess Diaries if you haven't already, which sets a fair tone that is maintained.

book reviews 2008, genre: young adult, author: cabot meg

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