old vids uploaded

Apr 12, 2008 16:17

The last of the JKL vids has been uploaded to our site: http://pteropus.com!

4 Stargate SG-1 vids:
"Out of My Hands" (by Lynn)
"It Must Be Obvious" (by Lynn and Kay)
"Banging on the Door"

+ 3 more vids by Lynn, an awesome vidder who influenced me and taught me so much (and I miss seeing new vids from her, because everything she made was always so cool and interesting!):
"Motorcycle Drive By" (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), "One Million Miles Away" (Secret Adventures of Jules Verne), and "Call and Answer" (Magnificent Seven, the T.V. series).

The site is password-protected. There's a link on the page to the email address to request a password.


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