[Spoiler (click to open)]Oh, mine didn't. I just knew a pair who did. We were doing "Beauty and the Beast," and Belle was the sister of Gaston. There's one scene just as Gaston is leaving with the mob that he kisses her (much to her displeasure, of course). It was the talk of the backstage. ;)
Congratz Gabie! Good job bluescreening the computer. ;)
[Spoiler (click to open)]It's really great to see Vis with the woman of his dreams. That was a tense moment when he was deciding who to be with, but I'm glad it all worked out in the end.
I do think it feels weird to pair up one's own simself with their own sim, which is one reason why I don't use mine in my own legacy. So I take it as a close call in your case, but then again, I don't blame you if your simself wins.
Love the wedding and its wackiness. I guess its unorthodox style makes it all the more fun to watch.
LOL at the way simselves being dropped at their compound!
I figured that if my simself won, I would claim the win, gloat a bit, and then give Vis to the second-place winner. I had two separate endings planned out just in case, but I'm glad this one got to be the one to be used. ^^
It was a fun scene. Both the wedding and the return home. ^^
Sorry Michelle, but this is probably going to be the last we see of Vis for a generation or two. Any more than this might ruin one of my planned surprises. ;) Even telling you this much might run into spoiler ground, so I'm going to stop here.
Comments 6
Yay for Gabie! It was so close, very exciting :D
...and try my simself to bluescreen the computer!
Congratz Gabie! Good job bluescreening the computer. ;)
[Spoiler (click to open)]It's really great to see Vis with the woman of his dreams. That was a tense moment when he was deciding who to be with, but I'm glad it all worked out in the end.
I do think it feels weird to pair up one's own simself with their own sim, which is one reason why I don't use mine in my own legacy. So I take it as a close call in your case, but then again, I don't blame you if your simself wins.
Love the wedding and its wackiness. I guess its unorthodox style makes it all the more fun to watch.
LOL at the way simselves being dropped at their compound!
[Spoiler (click to open)]Yeah, everything worked out pretty well!
I figured that if my simself won, I would claim the win, gloat a bit, and then give Vis to the second-place winner. I had two separate endings planned out just in case, but I'm glad this one got to be the one to be used. ^^
It was a fun scene. Both the wedding and the return home. ^^
Thanks for the comment! :)
My only question now is, when will we see Vis again? Will you do a spaceship legacy with Vis and his chosen bride?
Bring Back Vis!
Thanks for the fingergun anyway! :)
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