Short discourse on America's vote, and, unrelated: Anyone want a drabble to cheer them up?

Nov 07, 2008 00:20

I went to the bookstore this evening and the lady there told me that ALL their papers were sold out! O.O As in, at nine p.m. they didn't have any papers left. The reason, of course, is the vote of the American president, which only got covered here today (as we're ahead of America and the result got in too late for press to cover it yesterday), and ( Read more... )

rambling, rl

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Comments 32

guingel November 7 2008, 00:15:04 UTC
It's been really amazing hearing the international response. That's really been my favorite part of the whole thing - the feeling that America is no longer utterly despised by the rest of the world. XD And the feeling that I no longer need to despise my own country! It's so exciting just to think that this has actually happened.

I still haven't heard the speech! D: I keep not having chances to watch it. I've read a lot about it, though, and it sounds great. . . >.<

Um, can I request Okada/Nino?? They can be doing anything. . . lemme see if I can come up with a few prompts and then you can see if any of them pique your imagination: Cooking, hair, flowers, the beach, the rest of Arashi, travel, clothing, pets. . . are any of those ok? :D (I know, I cheered up on my own so it's kind of cheating - although you did say anyone could comment and I think I could still use it!!)


skadihelias November 7 2008, 00:35:51 UTC
Oh God, your icon XDDDDD


kegom November 7 2008, 01:19:28 UTC
Yeah, I can understand what you mean. ^-^ I mean, it's not that the rest of the world necessarily despised AMERICA, but I think most people had a problem with Bush... ^^" And I think even if McCain had won the vote, relationships would have changed, and probably for the better; but Obama being president does have a greater impact. ^-^ (Plus, on a personal note - my problem with Bush was always that he not only represented America's interests, as he should, but that he also seemed to genuinely believe that the whole rest of the world should ALSO represent America's interests, which really rubbed me the wrong way. With Obama I personally have the hope that, because he has family outside of America, he will act on America's best interest, but will also accept that people outside America might not have the same priorities as he has ( ... )


guingel November 7 2008, 02:19:53 UTC

::bouncebouncebouncebouncebounce:: It's so Okada/Nino-tastic!! So cute and hot and awesome! :D Okada calling Nino kitten, that's definitely an image that will stay with me! :D

Oh man, they're so well-characterized. That's totally how they would interact! And dude! They are totally such a good pairing! They are becoming not just my long-shot OTP but my regular OTP too!

Also, for real, everyone else is so adorable and well-written! Inocchi and Aiba! :D Ken and Sho and Sakamoto!! :D :D :D Ohno's "I found some pill bugs" line is adorable and hahahahaha yay Sakamoto being freaked out by bugs!! XD



skadihelias November 7 2008, 00:35:07 UTC
I can't bring myself to care much for American election, although I'm glad that Obama won. The presidential election for Indonesia is going to be held next year. That one I will pay more attention to XDDD

A lot of people is unhappy lately (including me). I think it's the weather, or the heavy workload D:

Drabble? Would you write Super Junior?

Fandom : Super Junior
Pairing : Kibum & Donghae
Prompt : Donghae crossdressing for Halloween


Fandom : Arashi
Pairing : Sho x Nino
Prompt : For once Sho is sneakier than Nino


kegom November 7 2008, 02:06:32 UTC
You certainly don't have to pay attention to any votes but your own country's! ^_____^

Yeah, I noticed so many people who were down on my friendslist! :( I really feel for you guys, it sucks to feel bad. :((

I can definitely write Arashi, but I'm not that sure about SuJu...? The only thing I remember about Kibum is that he's somehow a "smart" one, and that Donghae's the one who believes in aliens...
I could try, of course, but I don't think it would work that well. ^^"

Fandom : Arashi
Pairing : Sho x Nino
Prompt : For once Sho is sneakier than Nino"So, I've been thinking", Sho began in the car on their way home ( ... )


skadihelias November 8 2008, 04:05:27 UTC


Ah, don't worry about the SuJu, I figured that since you're quite new to the fandom, you won't know too much about each member (there are , after all, 13 of them ^^;;;).

Back to the drabble...

Fail!Sho is always so much love. But sometimes I want to see him being sneaky (in notfail way XD).

I think the real Nino is sooooooooooo going to kill Sho if he ever throw out his gaming stuff tho XDDD

Once again, thank you so much X3 ILU ♥


Because I am shameless crux_australis November 7 2008, 01:02:59 UTC
1. Arashi - Aibajun - beauty mark (especially the one my Jun's nipple XD)
2. Arashi - Aibajun - parents
3. Arashi - Aibajun - kids
4. Arashi + Super Junior - Heechul/Jun or Jun/Heechul - fashion
5. Arashi + Super Junior - Heechul/Jun or Jun/Heechul - control
6. Arashi + Super Junior - Heechul/Nino or vice versa - world domination
7. Arashi + Super Junior - Heechul/Sho or vice versa - education
8. Arashi + Super Junior - Heechul/Sho or vice versa - engrish (lol very repetitive prompts but I can't get enough xD)
9. Because I feel bad for leaving Ohchan, Heechul can be bored with him until he learns that Ohno can paint, so he lets him paint his nails. ♥

And I just realized I have a backlog of Arashi fics to read (yours included). slgkhskgslgha


Re: Because I am shameless crux_australis November 7 2008, 01:05:28 UTC
Also, while a chunk of me is still skeptical that Obama is a marionette who is being manipulated by a legion of people behind him all to serve their own purposes, I would like to believe that even if that may be so, at least the world is moving forward. One minuscule step at a time. :)


Re: Because I am shameless kegom November 7 2008, 02:09:20 UTC
Hee! ^-^ So many - I'll do what I can! ^-^

Just a little heads-up that this might take a little while to answer, since I need to sleep pretty soon. ^^"


Re: Because I am shameless crux_australis November 7 2008, 05:44:00 UTC
Lol I just gave loads of prompts so you can choose which ones you feel like writing. xD But if you wanna do them all, be my guest. *O*


trivialaffair November 7 2008, 01:16:24 UTC
awww you're so sweet to your friends. i hope they get cheered up quickly by your lovely fics :D


kegom November 7 2008, 13:37:18 UTC
Thank you! ^-^ (You know you can request as well, don't you? ^-^ Even if you aren't in a bad mood.)


trivialaffair November 7 2008, 16:41:46 UTC
hahaha but I should save your ficcing for the people who really deserve :)

if you must, Sho/Aiba would be lovely? :D? hahahha I have no shame...:D

(but seriously, do everyone else's requests first)


kegom November 9 2008, 22:57:46 UTC
Any special wishes for the Sho/Aiba? ^-^ I'm doing everyone's at once, so I can put them in a real post, so yours should be up together with the rest. ^-^


flange5 November 7 2008, 01:25:54 UTC
I am still giddy from the election \o/ And if you'd like a paper, I have an extra New York Times if you want it ^_^ I'd be happy to send it to you.

I really do feel like people felt like their vote mattered--and people were actually talking about it civilly! *___* I just moved from a very liberal state to a very conservative state, and there was still tons of debate here. My two favorite moments were being in the DMV to get my new driver's license and hearing a group of Truck drivers discuss relative voting records and other people in line pitching in to the conversation and not getting mad at each other and being in the post office when a panicked woman ran in during early election times asking where the nearest polling place was. About six people started reciting all the places together and one woman said she had just voted herself, and here was the list of addresses ^_^ To my little liberal disenchanted heart, it made me all emotional. And thank god it wasn't like last time, sitting up until 3am and then feeling so ( ... )


crux_australis November 7 2008, 05:53:14 UTC
Sho trying to explain the electoral process to Ohno and Aiba.
AGREED. :Db Oh, the blank stares. The frustration. I can imagine it all already. ♥ Mmm~


kegom November 7 2008, 13:36:23 UTC
Awww, thank you! &hearts

But don't worry, my family did get a paper - I actually wasn't the one who was on desperate search for a paper, I just happened to be there while several people came in to ask about them. ^-^ But the offer is very much appreciated! ^___^

I really do feel like people felt like their vote mattered--and people were actually talking about it civilly!That's really great to hear! *__ ( ... )


flange5 November 7 2008, 17:22:37 UTC
You know, I never read Paradise Lost!

ME NEITHER >_< I keep waiting for them to revoke my card or something^^" And I never read Moby Dick either. Or Faulkner ^^"

But one of the fascinating things I noticed about Maou since preparing my class on PL Book 1 is that while I kind of wondered when they were going to bring in Paradise Lost, since they were doing the Dante and Goethe intertextuality and then they never did directly bring in Paradise Lost, they todayll did in terms of structure. Because the first two books of Paradise Lost focus on Satan and his fall and pretty much make him out to be in the mold of an epic hero--charismatic, indomitable, determined, sympathetic. So with a basic knowledge of Christian cosmology, you know as the reader that you shouldn't sympathize or cheer for him, and yet ( ... )


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