SPN drabble: "Lesser" (gen AHBL AU)

Feb 24, 2010 01:54

Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Written for the supernatural100 prompt #216 "Unnatural". Unbeta'd.
Length: 100 words
Spoilers: AHBL, gone AU.
Summary: Sam's long gone.
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Kripke.

By the time Dean and Bobby get there, Cold Oak is a graveyard of psychic kids. Sam’s long gone.

That night, Dean dreams of his brother.

Sam’s hunched over, face lost in the shadows, mumbling, “Had to kill him, had to, it was self-defense-”

“I get it,” Dean agrees gently, crouching down next to him. “Lesser of two evils, right?”

Sam looks up, mouth twisted into a self-loathing smirk. “Don’t think I qualify as the lesser of any evils anymore,” he says hoarsely. Sam’s eyes aren’t yellow. Just … wrong.

Dean jerks awake, heart hammering, and tries Sam’s cell again.

gen, supernatural, drabble, neverweres, au, fic

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