Title: The Suspect Suspect
Fandoms: Due South and Highlander
Characters: Harding Welsh, Benton Fraser, Ray Kowalski, Cory Raines
Length: 1125 words
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AO3Author's Notes: Dear god, it's been a long time since I posted any fic. To celebrate my authorial re-hymenation, have a cross-over between my first two fandoms! Thanks to
gryphonrhi for both
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Comments 6
Still love, love, love that section. And, well, all of it. And the summary is a thing of beauty, by the way!
Fraser reviewed the man's testimony in his mind, and realized, to his chagrin, that while Cory Raines had denied any interest in the jewelry, vociferously and at length, he had never actually said that he wasn't there to rob the bank of the more mundane items, such as bills and bearer bonds. And really, Fraser had more reason than most to view an amiable young bank robber's protestations of innocence with skepticism.
"It is certainly possible," Fraser conceded uneasily. "However, he claims to have been looking for someone. A woman."
"Of course he was," Lieutenant Welsh interrupted. "Because, facing a lonely Saturday night, where else might an aspiring bank robber go to meet a kindred soul?"
Fraser flushed.
And this bit is perfect Ray, complete with body language and visuals: The door opened. Ray's head appeared at the edge of it. He glanced around the office, then ( ... )
Thanks so much, luzula! I had fun with this. (And really, who can resist Bob Fraser?)
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