Challenge 14: Advent Calendar

Nov 29, 2020 22:51

Chat here! Use this thread to plan also, if you want. Or use it to tell others your choices. The challenge is to y'know, talk with your crewmates and hopefully bond a bit :D

1 point per comment, 25 points possible per person.

The Lighthouse Advent Calendar! I'm also linking the preview one so you can plan ahead if you want. Challenge here.

user: blue_sunflowers, challenge 14, cycle 06

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Comments 228

sgafirenity December 1 2020, 11:09:45 UTC
For day 1 - I am going to do the touch your ceiling without any help because my basement ceiling is low so it’ll be easy.

I also might do the self-care one because I really like things like that and am curious about it.


dance_the_dance December 1 2020, 18:32:58 UTC
Hah, our ceiling is more than 3 meters high (which is about 10 feet, according to google), so that's not happening. xD

If you feel like doing the self-care activity, I recommend it, it was really chill. :)


sgafirenity December 2 2020, 08:17:30 UTC
You could jump... all it says is ‘Try’ to touch the ceiling not that you have to touch the ceiling.


dance_the_dance December 2 2020, 17:44:26 UTC
LMAO, true, jacquelee went about it this way. :D I guess I just decided that there was no way I would possibly succeed, but you're right, that's not a reason to not even try. xD


dance_the_dance December 1 2020, 18:29:19 UTC
Day 1: I did the guided relaxation with butterflies. ♥ It's for kids (as it says in the title) and I think that's exactly what I need. :D I had a really good time, I'm even thinking of listening to it again, or checking out other videos on that channel. :)


blue_sunflowers December 2 2020, 07:53:13 UTC
I love Cosmic Yoga. When I sub for little kids, it's the BEST to get their attention and help with transition times.


dance_the_dance December 2 2020, 17:45:31 UTC
Thank you for sharing it with us, and also thank you for sharing alllll of these things with us. :D How long did it take to prepare the entire calendar? ♥


blue_sunflowers December 2 2020, 21:58:03 UTC
TBH, it took several days last year to make it. I googled a crap ton of those activity calendars online to get ideas. So this year I just randomized it, which took a couple hours. I did change several though, but I thought it'd be okay to repeat since not a lot of people participated last year (or participated a lot). If it's more popular this year, then I'll change it up some more for next year.


seraphina_snape December 1 2020, 20:56:10 UTC
Day 1: I did two things today. I touched the ceiling (I sleep right under the roof and I can barely stand up in there, so I didn't even have to stretch on my toes. *g* And I watched the butterfly meditation video.

I also made myself an excel spreadsheet to keep track of the calendar and which options I pick so I can make a graphic calendar at the end.


dance_the_dance December 2 2020, 17:54:25 UTC
I'm lowkey impressed by how many people have low ceilings and can do this challenge. xD

Also I'm not 100% sure about it yet but I'm most likely just going to use my own comments under this post to make the summary at the end. xD


seraphina_snape December 2 2020, 20:37:07 UTC
Low ceilings ftw. *g*

I'm not sure I'll be able to comment here every day, hence the spreadsheet. Plus, I like spreadsheets. I can colour-code things and that makes me happy. :p


dance_the_dance December 3 2020, 19:45:26 UTC
Neat! :D


sgafirenity December 1 2020, 21:28:54 UTC
For day 1 - I am going to do the touch your ceiling without any help because my basement ceiling is low so it’ll be easy.

I also might do the self-care one because I really like things like that and am curious about it.


jacquelee December 2 2020, 09:24:53 UTC
Day 1: As I said above, I tried to touch the ceiling but that didn't work out, lol.
I also watched that self care video, but I did it while eating and doing other things, so might have defeated the purpose. :P But it was fun and I did all the picturing in my head.


blue_sunflowers December 2 2020, 09:39:04 UTC
Still self care!


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