A Miserable Feast

Apr 09, 2011 16:33

Unlike the dark, narrow halls of the barracks, the Great Hall was bright with candle- and fire-light. The smell of wood-smoke lingered in the air along with the scents of the dishes set out on the table ( Read more... )

alex marsters, jane shepard, rem, coen dostre, !event, sycora novitas, brynhildr dottir, isabel galstone, garrett hawke, kevas, garrus vakarian, eames, joseph ivers, nepeta leijon, nieta diegues, isabella, chase young, chelle vierren, sollux captor

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thii2ii22tupiid April 9 2011, 07:40:15 UTC
Whatever the hell this all was, Sollux was already fucking tired of it. He had seen nothing but what he was pretty sure was humans, except for a couple exceptions, and nothing what so ever able to take his interest away. So he's just gonna...sit here. By himself while others are feasting or whatever. And sulk.


thii2ii22tupiid April 10 2011, 08:03:06 UTC
"I don't remebe...I don't remember falling asleep before I woke up here, either."

What the fuck. No, really, what the fuck? Had something attacked, knocked him out, killed Fef and somehow brought them here?
But what would have done that? Jack just killed shit and broke things. There couldn't be yet another fucking demon, could there?

"Oh god."

Sollux rests his head in his hands, having trouble processing all of this.


purrtndyfuntms April 10 2011, 08:14:35 UTC
Nepeta frowns. Now what's she supposed to do? If Sollux was Equius, she would do something cute and pretend until he got cross and then he wouldn't be sad anymore. But Sollux isn't Equius and so she doesn't know. Instead she leans over and tries to give him a hug.


thii2ii22tupiid April 10 2011, 08:20:08 UTC
Sollux doesn't really respond to the hug. He just sits there and barely moves...and he might be crying.


purrtndyfuntms April 10 2011, 08:26:58 UTC
Nepeta sits back and stares, perplexed. There is a big problem with them being dead, a big problem. She was with Equius, and Equius wouldn't let her die. Except Equius isn't here. And if she is here, and Equius is still in the veil without her, then who there will keep him from going on a rampage too?

But somehow it possibly doesn't seem like a good idea to tell Sollux all of that right now. He looks pretty upset. Is-... Is he crying?

"Sollux... Are you crying?"


thii2ii22tupiid April 10 2011, 08:31:20 UTC
Sollux rubs his eyes and sniffs. "No. Of course not.

Nepeta...what happened?"


purrtndyfuntms April 10 2011, 08:43:08 UTC
Nepeta shrugs. In the excitement of exploring dark hallways with new smells, it was easy to forget what Karkat had said. Being reminded wasn't much fun, but it seemed like things had gotten worse.

"Karkat said Gamzee and Eridan had gone on rampages, and I think possibly Vriska too, only he didn't say that. He asked Equius to kill them, but me and Equius didn't get to talk about it much before I woke up here." And she still can't remember falling asleep. Or being attacked.


thii2ii22tupiid April 10 2011, 08:46:15 UTC
"Which one of them killed FF?"


purrtndyfuntms April 10 2011, 08:52:10 UTC
"I don't know," another shrug, "He didn't say."


thii2ii22tupiid April 10 2011, 09:04:21 UTC

So...now what? If they were dead, then Fef should be here. But Nepeta was the only troll he'd seen so far and the humans that ran the place acted like everyone was in this room. But he didn't remember dying, and he most certainly remembered it last time. Then he'd woken up on Derse and...But this couldn't be Derse, or Prospit, or anywhere they were familiar with. None of those places had humans, and there was no way Jack would let anything survive his rampage.

So then they were...he still had no fucking clue. Was the note correct? If the universe they made was unmade (how the fuck was that even possible? They worked so hard for it!) how did they get sent here as well? Because they were connected with it somehow? The humans ending it with a Sgrub session seemed fitting, but they were still able to communicate with them then. And see their version of the Incipisphere. But this was completely...

"Maybe our Null session finally ended." And they were the only ones left.


purrtndyfuntms April 10 2011, 11:30:07 UTC
"Maybe..." But what did that mean? "Maybe we should just do what it says and wait and see." She lowered her voice, unnecessarily; nobody was close enough to overhear them, "Perhaps there's a way that we can leave!"


thii2ii22tupiid April 10 2011, 12:09:44 UTC
"I guess that's all we can do." At least for now. He'd try to figure it out...but that wouldn't do any good. There was no way he'd be any use here.

"If we can get out we have to. Together." Nepeta didn't really mean that much to him--she was weird, but he supposed she was a lot better than some of the others--but if they were the only ones of their species left they should stick together.


purrtndyfuntms April 11 2011, 03:30:48 UTC
"Okay!" She was good at squeezing into small spaces to get into place she wasn't permitted to go! It shouldn't be so hard to find a way out. "Together."

Sollux wasn't her favouritest friend either, but he was better than nobody. Or Vriska.


thii2ii22tupiid April 11 2011, 18:41:59 UTC
Sollux attempts a smile. Its pretty sad, for a smile, but its there. "I guess I should get something to eat."


purrtndyfuntms April 12 2011, 05:25:29 UTC
"Don't try the vegetable water," Nepeta pulls a face and gestures toward where the soup sits on the table, "It's gross!"


thii2ii22tupiid April 12 2011, 07:23:14 UTC
Any food that was prefaced by 'water' didn't really seem that great, anyway. "Yeah, okay."

He hesitates, then adds as an obvious after thought. "Thanks."


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