001 [comment-log]

Oct 21, 2011 04:29

Everything was silent.

Tsia's eyes open in a panic and she desperately grasps ahold of her Gate.

A second later, a scream tears itself out from her throat. It is a sound of a cougar's rage and fear, from a woman's throat.

The gate. The cats. Where-? GONE? Wait, she can hear them. There are felines here. Too few though, they wouldn't make a ( Read more... )

alex marsters, tsia matsallen

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Comments 12

/does this thing! /o/ Tell me if there is anything at all I need to change. allthesame2me October 21 2011, 14:41:39 UTC
[Alex is busy at work in his barracks' room when a flash of panic and anxiety hits him completely unexpectedly He stops sewing, his hands pausing in the middle of a stitch he was putting in one of the cat patterns he'd put together.

Was he having an anxiety attack? He couldn't recall ever having had one in the past, but then he's never felt quite this way before so he just didn't know.

All he knew was that something felt wrong, and that feeling didn't completely go away even as the flash of panic faded into memory ( ... )


featherofthecat October 21 2011, 17:42:56 UTC
[Tsia, on the other hand was still desperately searching for familiar feelings in her gate. She felt the presence and curiosity of the feline coming closer and moved toward it. She sent her own feelings of curiosity back along the gate to the cat.

'What was a big-cat doing inside a place that clearly was made by people?'

Tsia rounded a corner in the halls, fully expecting to see a large cat's face greeting her. Instead, seeing the pretty young man, who has come to greet her, was startling. Her nostrils flared, trying to scent him. He was standing right where she was expecting the cat she had felt to be.

In fact, he was the source of the feline in her gate. There was no mistaking it, not even with how muffled the gate was. There was no way to explain it either.

She does not speak, not yet. A hand flutters up, almost entreatingly to him. Was she dreaming? Was she really dead? Was this another rogue-gate? ]


timid_kitty October 21 2011, 19:38:21 UTC
[Alex isn't certain what he's going to see come into view from around the corner, his pulse racing in his throat. The sense of familiarity isn't leaving, either, but on some deep level in his gut he knows it isn't going to be Bryn.

Something is off... well, not off, so much as different. Feline and yet not, but similar to a shifter.

It's a woman that comes around the corner, however, and Alex's nostrls flare once again. There is no denying that the scent and feeling of cat is coming from her, but he can't explain anymore than that. He just knows she feels differently than a shifter does. He's never felt a shifter like this. Smelled, certainly, but never felt them like a hovering presence ( ... )


featherofthecat October 21 2011, 20:28:43 UTC
[The scent musky scent of feline invades her nose, only confirming what her gate senses but what her eyes do not see.

It was a tense moment that seemed to spin a taut thread between them with the gesture of her outstretched hand.

Then it snapped.

Before her very eyes, this strange man seemed to shift to melt and it was infact no longer a man that stood in front of her but a spotted feline. A full grown male leopard, more in size with cougars of her own world than Old Earth.

She could feel his own anxiety bubbling, his curiosity and the feeling that there were words that needed to be spoken but could not make it past whiskered lips ( ... )


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