Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!

Sep 14, 2010 12:35

For my fellow Alan lovers/enthusiasts/obsessees/etc. I present for your viewing pleasure screencaps from the movie Loser which happened to have a lovely scene in which the main characters snuck into a Broadway play...which just happened to be Cabaret when Alan was still playing the Emcee. :) (Why, yes, that was the only reason I watched this movie, but I actually ended up enjoying it. Yay! Double the luck!) This was my first time ever making screencaps (and I couldn't find any already taken). They're not super quality, probably because the DVD is from 2000.

The best ones are probably the second batch I took, which are 842x462 (like the preview above). They can be found here: s1177.photobucket.com/albums/x344/keep_imagining/Loser%20Small%20Screencaps/

The first ones I took were a bit large, so they aren't great quality but I'll share them too. They're 1440x792, and can be found here in three different parts (broken up by 'sections' between shots of the main characters and the play, also so I could put them in chronological order more easily - which when I uploaded them they seemed to have been put in opposite chronological order. But they're numbered so that's okay):

Enjoy! Maybe someone can use them for something. If not, they're still not too bad to look at. :)

FYI: I took the screencaps using KMPlayer.
Oh, also, if you do end up using these to make anything, I would love to be credited as a resource. Because it would make me feel special. ;)

loser, screencaps, broadway, alan cumming
