Title: The Seven-Day Virgin: Day Four
Author: Keelywolfe
Fandom: Sherlock BBC
Wordcount:4500, this chapter.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): John/Sherlock
Genre: First-times, Humor
Warning(s): None
Summary:In thirty-odd years, Sherlock hasn't felt the urge to lose his virginity. Until John Watson. God help him. Set after 'A Scandal in Belgravia
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Comments 17
"Damn it all to hell, it was like trying to juggle a gun, a stick of dynamite, and lit candle with him, wasn't it, and right now John was trying that entire balancing act with a blindfold on."
"Sherlock, I realize you're attached to it, but so am I and in a much more visceral fashion, so if you'd let go long enough for me to piss and answer the door, I'd say thank you very much."
This is delightful: thank you.
Oh. You're good. VERY good. And I love the dialogue, this is my fave:
"Sherlock, I realize you're attached to it, but so am I and in a much more visceral fashion, so if you'd let go long enough for me to piss and answer the door, I'd say thank you very much."
Breath turned into a damp kiss at the nape of his neck and John shivered, struggling to keep his eyes from drifting closed. Irritation had shifted and Sherlock said, sleepily, "You have to bring it right back."
HA! And adorbs.
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