FIC: Karma Chameleon (Transformers: Bayverse. 'Watching You' series)

Jun 09, 2011 14:19

Title: Karma Chameleon
Author: Keelywolfe
Fandom: Transformers
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Sam/Bumblebee

Notes: This seriously was just supposed to be a one-shot. However, I seem incapable of stopping. So here's another! Enjoy!

Summary: Direct Sequel to
Watching You
Static Interference

"Enough," Sam begged, "I have to get home-" He was still kissing back, helplessly, his hands cupping Bee's face and holding him still for each desperate, needy press of his own mouth. His lips were achingly sore, he felt incredibly sticky everywhere and he needed a shower in the worst way.

All in all, it was a great night.

Somehow, they'd made in back into the car, Sam mumbling about his curfew between kisses. He was sure, absolutely sure, he'd meant to be gone by now. Outside the windows it was completely dark, crickets chirping and mosquitoes had been humming their eyewatering song around them by the time he and Bee had rolled off the hood.

They'd managed to get into the seats, mostly, Bee more in the driver's seat yet than his own. Both their mouths tasted cold from half a roll of mints Sam didn't remember buying that Sam had found in the middle console, part of a feeble plan to get back somewhere in the realm of presentable.

His possessed radio had blazed on, choosing to go a little retro for the evening with a crackling rendition of, 'Baby, you can drive my car.'

Sam could only spare a fleeting thought to car repairs, possibly an exorcism, and then he was groaning into Bee's mouth again and thoughts of curfew were a distant dream.


"Oh, god, oh, fuck, just…don't…fuck!" Sam's voice cracked, something he might have found embarrassing if he hadn't had both hands tangled into soft, blond hair, his heels braced against the floorboards. It took a minute for him to understand what the pressure of Bee's hands on his hips meant, following them in a daze until he got it, and then he could push up into that slick, hot mouth on his own, the garage around them shrouding them in darkness.

The wet darkness of Bee's mouth was even better, working him lovingly, worshipfully, because Bee was the best stalker ever and he gave head like he'd had lessons. Like he could give lessons and Sam wanted so much to be an avid student.


The screen door let loose with a bone-jarring squeal as Sam ripped it open, darting in so quickly that his sneakers squeaking against the tile floor. He staggered in further on wobbly legs, uncoordinated as a newborn giraffe as he leaned against the kitchen counter and he checked his watch against the clock on the microwave.

Game, set, match.

"I'm home," he gasped out, a measly little thread of sound. He had no doubt his mother could have heard him even if she was in the basement with the vacuum running.

"Hey, sweetheart," his mom called, proving every theory Sam had about mothers correct. Out in the family room, his parents were on the sofa watching a movie. Sam could see an open bottle of wine and relaxed a little. Mom and wine usually meant him getting shipped off to his room, something that usually creeped Sam out. Tonight, though, his room sounded like a haven. After a long, soothing shower to let the water beat a little of the soreness out of him. Sam ached in places he hadn't even been aware he had.

To his surprise, Mom bustled into the kitchen, wine glass still in hand. She gave him an appraising once-over. "And what have you been up to tonight?"

Sam froze and for one brief, insane moment, he was convinced that she knew. This was his mother and she had ways of knowing everything. She'd caught him out a dozen times over, rewarding his efforts in the minor sins with furious abandon by grounding him. And he was convinced that she totally knew he'd upgraded to fornication and that he been out at the overlook, doing dirty, dirty things with a boy who went by a single word that was more noun than name. He felt like it was glowing off him, some kind of hormonal-based neon sign that screamed in large, blinking letters, 'Got Laid'.

"Just...around," Sam croaked out.

His mom made a little humming sound, pulling out a tray of cheese from the fridge. Ugh, the old folks must have quite a night planned. "That's nice. Get some sleep, sweetie. Make sure you get your clothes down to the laundry room tomorrow morning if you want them washed."

"Okay," Sam mumbled back, too shocked to try for anything else. He licked his lips and winced at the soreness. Perhaps it was a week for miracles. There had been The Car, the awesome sex, and now his mother wasn't staring at him like he'd done something unforgivably obscene. It seemed like the pay in from his good karma was rolling in like high tide.

His mom vanished back into the living room and Sam made his escape, knees wobbling as he staggered up the stairs.

If he had any dreams tonight, it might be better if he washed his own sheets tomorrow.


It was a cruel, cruel way to be woken up on a Sunday. His alarm clock must be currently taking cues from his car radio because it blared to life at ass o'clock in the morning, some local crap-rock station and Sam groaned, fumbled out a hand to turn the damned thing off before he pulled a pillow back over his head and went back to sleep.

A soft touch on the back of his hand stilled him, even as the clock radio fell silent and Sam made a fairly good try at jumping out of his skin, nearly falling to the floor as he scrambled back in a tangle of sheets and pillows.

There, sitting happily on the edge of his bed, was his stalker. He was wearing the same clothes but he looked like he'd managed a shower somewhere down the line, and oh, holy blazing shit, he was in Sam's house, in his room, and possibly going all Fatal Attraction on him, or Single White (Fe)Male, whichever movie was most appropriate for him dying painfully.

Yanking the blankets over him, Sam had brief moment to appreciate the insanity of it all before he demanded in an urgent whisper, "How did you get up here?"

Bee's cheery smile faltered, his eyebrows drawing together in concern. Like maybe it had only just occurred to him that breaking and entering wasn't the best way to start the morning, even if had woken Sam up quicker than a caffeine infusion. He gestured at the open window and Sam relaxed, a little. Just the thought of Bee creeping through the dining room, up the stairs and past the room where his father was probably snoring in a horrifying post-coital bliss was a nightmare that Sam didn't even want to consider.

Bee was still sitting there, his smile a little dimmer but he was still as pert and eager as a golden retriever puppy, his hair blond and mussed and begging for Sam to sink his hands in it again.

"Look, you can't just come in here!" Sam scrubbed a hand over his face, rubbing his dry eyes as he tried to think. Mornings had never been his strong point, less so on the day after being molested by the guy currently staring at him with his usual eager intensity. "My mom will be up soon and she'll freak if she sees you in here."

The smile dropped off Bee's face so quickly Sam was surprised he didn't hear it shatter on the floor. Wounded green eyes bored into his like accusing little beacons of rejection.

Oh, for…"Look-" Sam started, looked into those hurt eyes and gave in. To hell with morning breath. He leaned forward hesitantly and kissed Bee, barely more than a tender brush of lips, at first. Sam figured he'd earned the right to do that much yesterday. His lips were still a little sore but it didn't seem to matter when Bee practically melted into it, tongues touching lightly and his lips damp and clinging when Sam pulled away. The dazed look in Bee's eyes was a great improvement.

Sam sighed again. This was probably a really bad idea. "Can you get back down without breaking your neck?"

Bee nodded.

"Okay. If…if you want to go out. With me. I mean, if you want to go somewhere in a little bit, I'll be out there. By my car. You, be by my car and I'll come there. Yeah."
None of that made any sense to Sam. It was like a couple orgasms had been enough to short-circuit the line between his mouth and his brain so that everything came out in Idiot. Luckily, Bee seemed to get it. He nodded again and went to the window.

With wary curiosity, Sam watched Bee climb down the trellis like he was freaking Spiderman. He jumped off high enough that Sam flinched, almost expecting a cry of pain. Bee just landed lightly and jogged off towards the garage.

Who the hell was this guy?

Sam flopped back into bed with a groan and left that problem for another time. Right now, he needed a good excuse for his mom to let him do chores later. Again.

He hoped a weakness to puppy dog eyes was a genetic trait.


Later, he had time to be grateful he'd thought to bring a blanket this time. The overlook was abandoned, as usual, and a little further away in the tall grasses surrounding it was even better concealment. But it would have been hell on bare skin.

Sam groaned, loudly, as Bee dug his thumbs into the taut muscles below his shoulder blades. His mom had given him exactly three hours and an earful of threats before he'd managed to get to the garage where Bee was waiting happily, car door already open. Sam had already been half-hard before he'd started the car.

This, however, wasn't exactly what he'd been expecting when they'd made their escape.

Sure, they were both naked as cherubs, although thankfully better endowed. Instead of eager, fumbling sex, though, Bee had done nothing but rub his back, slowly working his way lower, like maybe he'd been a professional masseur in a past life. Hell, for all Sam knew, he was a professional masseur now, moonlighting as a stalker of teenagers with awesome cars. It was a lot harder to care about little details like that when he was melting bonelessly into the blanket, sucking a sharp breath in through his teeth as Bee worked on a particularly sore spot.

Fifteen minutes ago, Sam would have been embarrassed by the sounds he was making, groans of deep pleasure than was nothing like the multiple orgasms he'd been treated to the day before but was still somehow deeply satisfying. Ten minutes ago he would have been both embarrassed and horrified when Bee's hands shifted down to his bare ass, kneading strongly. Now he didn't care if the high school marching band blazed by with a chorus of 'Stars and Stripes Forever,' so long as Bee kept going.

The sun was hot already, blazing down on them. Sweat was pooling in the base of Sam's spine, mingling with the slick oil Bee was slowly coating him in. It smelled a little like almonds, warm against his bare skin as Bee rubbing it into him. He seemed determined to cover every inch of Sam's back, starting at the back of Sam's neck, his thumbs gentle in the tiny hollows beneath his ears. Tracing his way down the bumps of his spine, beneath the curves of his shoulder blades.

It should have been relaxing, should have been, and Sam had no real excuse for the tremor of tension that was wound through him, the anticipation. His instincts were rewarded at the damp heat of breath in the small of his back and he still had enough shame to tense when Bee pressed an open-mouthed kiss against the curve of his hip.

A soft, shushing sound, no more than a breath against his skin. The blanket felt rough against his hands as Sam twisted it in his grip, rougher against his aching cock where Sam was helplessly grinding his hips against the ground. He bit his lower lip hard, faintly tasting blood as he tried not to say anything. He wasn't sure what he would say, protest and pleading tangling up in his thoughts like the intangible net he was inexplicably being caught in.

Breath, ghosting across the bare skin of his back, lower, tracing the curve of his hip. Wet pressure of a tongue against him, leaving a trail of cool slickness as Bee slid down, down, right down the curve of his ass, oh, god…

"Don't," Sam blurted out, his courage finally breaking. Bee stopped instantly and when Sam rolled over to look at him, his green eyes were only curious, not upset.

"Come here?" Sam held out a hand. Bee grinned and went right past it, right into Sam's arms. It left him with a lapful of naked, squirming guy and that felt right in all kinds of ways Sam had never considered. Way too easy to tip his head up, to let Bee press their lips together, deepening their kiss and sliding their tongues against each other. Bee nipped at the tip of Sam's tongue, startling a laugh out of him that melted away when he sucked on the tiny wound.

Sam let Bee push him backwards, the other boy sprawling over him and their bare bodies sliding against each other, both of them getting slippery in the oil glistening on Sam's skin. Their legs tangled together and the line of Bee's erection against Sam's hip was hot and damp and hard. Much as he wanted to just lie back, eyes closed, and let Bee rub against him, Sam couldn't help wanting to see, too, With a great deal of effort, he managed to just slit his eyes open, and the sun, formerly a warm red glow against his closed eyes, dazzled him. Then he didn't need the sun to be dazzled.

The sunlight shining behind him turned Bee's hair into a shaggy halo, casting his face in shadow, and fuck, he was pretty. Head tipped back, eyes closed and soft, pink lips parted as he rocked against Sam. Pretty wasn't a word he'd thought to use when describing a guy. Bee, though, Sam didn't think there was another word he could use. He was pretty, lean and strong, his fingers slim with blunt nails that were currently digging lightly into Sam's scalp as Bee abruptly clutched his head, swooping down and capturing Sam's mouth with the same soft, pink lips that had been mesmerizing him.

Kissing them was much better, pressing his tongue between them to tangle with Bee's. One hand abandoned his head, slid roughly down Sam's side before Bee rose up just a little on his elbows, slipping his hand between them to wrap around both their cocks.

Sam managed a startled little gurgling sound, muffled into Bee's mouth, oh, Jesus, he'd never imagined, never dreamed that another guy's dick against his own could feel so, so good. The hand around him was softer than he might have thought, no calluses at all, but the grip was perfect, just tight enough, rubbing both of them together in a quick, quick rhythm that Sam wanted to ride forever.

Forever was a lot more like two minutes, the sound of Bee's hand moving on them turning wet and slick. Bee kissed him hard, his teeth almost painful and Sam did not care, only wrapped both arms around him and held on, arched up in a shuddering rush. It felt like the world blurred around him, bone-deep and desperate. Made him want to cling and hold until gravity reasserted itself and the fire burning pleasure through his blood settled. Christ, nothing this easy should feel so good.

Dimly, he felt the slippery weight of his own come against his belly, felt Bee stiffen and tremble against him and Sam stroked his back, his hair, until the light behind his eyes was only dim and reddish from the sun.

"What are you?" Sam mumbled, sleepy and lost. His hands felt hot and shaky, tracing little patterns into the bare skin of Bee's back and his chest felt a little tight. He barely knew anything about this guy other than his name and Sam already felt the familiar stirrings of infatuation. It was a good thing Bee was already stalking him because Sam would have had to add him to his agenda.

He didn't pay any attention to the way Bee went still, lost in the feeling of him gently cupping Sam's head, holding him still for lazy, sweet kisses. It was only the middle of the day, the sun still blazing hot with early spring heat but Sam still found that a nap was on the top of his list right now.

In a little while.


Saying goodbye to Bee, Sam had discovered, was fraught with peril. First, while he was all right with Sam having to leave, he was also very prone to not making it easy for Sam to leave. His mouth was like an addiction that Sam would be happy to keep, only he had chores to do and the back of his garage was not the greatest place for making out.

Or so he thought, until Bee pressed a wet, sucking kiss against the base of his throat, barely low enough that his t-shirt would cover it. For approximately ten seconds, in his garage, leaning against his car, was the best place ever for making out.

Until he heard a sound behind him and jerked back so hard he almost fell on his ass.

"Sam, I thought I asked you to finish-" his mom was saying and Sam's heart was in his throat, the taste bitter as fear as she trailed off, taking in the two of them standing in the darkest corner of the garage. Yeah, nothing suspicious here, move along parental unit.

"Oh, hello," Mom said, brightly, carrying the box in her arms over to the corner where she sat it down with a little grunt, dusting off her hands. "Who's your friend, Sam?"

"He doesn't talk," Sam blurted out instead of a name, just like an idiot who'd almost been caught doing bad, bad things.

His mom's gaze sharpened, sealing their doom, Sam was certain. "Oh, I see." To Sam's surprise, she gave Bee a smile and started signing, speaking slowly along with her hand movements, "It's nice to meet you."

Bee, who had been standing a little behind Sam looking just about as awkward as expected for a stalker meeting his stalkee's mom, smiled brilliantly and started signing quickly. His mom laughed and shook her head, her hands much slower. "Not too fast, I'm rusty."

For a moment, Sam felt a rush of petulant jealousy. His mom was talking to his stalker in a way he hadn't yet managed...although, to be fair, talking had been a secondary concern thus far. He'd known his mom could sign; her sister, Aunt Jody, had been born deaf. She lived across the country though so Sam had only ever known the basics and those were mostly forgotten.

"A new exchange student at Sam's school," Mom said aloud, obviously for Sam's benefit. "Oh, you should have your host parent over and we can all have dinner together! Ron and I talked about hosting a student once-" Mom babbled on, though at a slower pace than usual, her hands moving along.

Bee's smile never wavered but Sam didn't think he imagined the look of panic in his eyes. It made him wonder just how true whatever Bee was telling his mom was.

"Mom, um, I'll finish up raking in a few minutes, I promise," Sam interrupted, lest his mom manage to frighten off his stalker permanently. No need for anything drastic, yet, the breaking and entering thing had ended within acceptable parameters. "Bee needs to get going, anyway."

Bee, Sam was relieved to notice, seemed to catch on quickly, giving Sam a wave and his mom some kind of sign that he hoped was 'Goodbye' and not, 'Be back to have more sex with your son later!' He backed out of the garage with another little smile for Sam and vanished around the corner.

And it was then that Sam knew his luck had run out, his heart sinking as his mom crossing her arms over her chest and gave him a serious look. "I think maybe we need to have a talk, don't you?"

Sam sighed. Karma was, after all, a bitch.


"Have you fried your logic circuits?"


"No, I don't care what he was doing, you can't just-"


"-in the backseat?"


"Oh, I did not need to know that. Human body fluids are corrosive, I hope you washed."


"You did what?? I can’t…that is quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever heard. Humans do that? It borders on vampirism---!"

"---how did it taste?"


"All right, all right, no need to shout. And now you're crawling to me because you need someone to play parent for you."


"You realize this violates several ethical codes regarding interaction with organic species. You think I don't know why you're asking me and not the others? I may not have Prowl's tactical computers but I can do simple math! I'm the only one who could both do it properly and would do it without giving you a court martial for your troubles. Only I won't and don't you dare try that pleading look with me, I'm immune. "




"Oh, stop, my optics are going to start dripping in sympathy. All right, all right. I'll help you so you can keep up with your wretched perversions, you deviant."

" :-) "

"….can I watch?"


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[series] watching you, [fandom] transformers

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