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Comments 27

duccio September 7 2010, 18:34:43 UTC
"Jesus H Christ on a stick", Bwa ha ha ha!

When I used to run in GG Park every day, I noticed that it hurt more and my times were slower when I didn't have a cup of coffee before starting the run. Will that be an issue for your running do you think?

Since you have been dealing with this infection I decided to drink a lot more water when at work. I realize it makes me work better and feel better the whole day, especially around 3:30-4 when my thinking gets kind of off and sometimes I get irrationally grouchy. Sometimes we sweat pretty much in that union work building those exhibits, climbing up inside the walls and pushing things around and stuff. The water I gulp gulp gulp down seems to help.


kdotdammit September 7 2010, 19:28:34 UTC
I'm sure working in those buildings makes you hot and sweaty. I know from doing all that lifting and painting in my air conditioned house! I'm glad you're drinking lots of water (I just accidentally wrote "coffee" projecting my own wishful thinking onto you).

I actually haven't felt too many negative side effects from going without coffee (other than feeling sleepy), and I run just fine, in fact a little better, without it! But I sure miss it.


duccio September 7 2010, 20:01:29 UTC
After I posted my original comment above, I wondered if the H in Jesus H Christ stands for Hussein. I think it must. Wouldn't that be rich. "Jesus Hussein Christ, Don't Tread on Me!"


boozymatic September 7 2010, 20:38:20 UTC
Ask any scientist - the H stands for haploid. :P


bitterlawngnome September 7 2010, 18:54:34 UTC
I've been putting a tiny amount of bicarb in coffee to neutralize some of the acids ( http://www.coffeeresearch.org/science/sourmain.htm ) ... but I don't imagine that makes any difference to the diuretic effect.


kdotdammit September 7 2010, 19:26:43 UTC
This is actually really helpful, because I think the acids were the initial problem. I was already being irritated by them, but then go dehydrated on top of it and BLAM massive infection. I could tell by my test with decaf that it's the coffee beans themselves that are causing a problem. I drank black tea yesterday and today with no ill effect, so it's not necessarily the caffeine. And really, water drunk in copious amounts is also a diuretic, so I think I may experiment AFTER the infection is totally cleared up with adding bicarb to coffee. How do you do it?


bitterlawngnome September 7 2010, 20:21:07 UTC
Just put a tiny amount in the carafe before you turn on the machine ... hmmm about the size of a pea or a little less for a full pot. If you put too much it messes up the taste of the coffee (salty coffee, blech).


bitterlawngnome September 7 2010, 20:22:57 UTC
BTW it's *sodium* bicarb, I can't recall if sodium is an issue for you?


e4q September 7 2010, 19:40:01 UTC
remember to take probiotics as you are coming off the antibiotics so the good guys get to your gut first. you don't want a dose of thrush after all this.


kdotdammit September 7 2010, 19:52:32 UTC
No worries there. I'm guzzling Kefir in the morning when I'm getting Bean ready for school, and it's loaded with all the good bacteria and cultures. Then I eat yogurt with live cultures when I come to work for breakfast. Then at night -- frozen yogurt for desert. So far, so good. However, the antibiotics I'm taking are the REALLY POWERFUL ones, so the doc gave me a prescription for a "one pill cure" should I develop thrust (yuck) which thankfully I've never been prone to. Now that I said that, I'm going to get it.


e4q September 7 2010, 19:53:18 UTC
belt and braces, that's what i say.


mflores422 September 7 2010, 19:43:12 UTC
Yes, water! And cranberry juice if you love it the way I do. I've had 2 kidney infections in the last 3 years. Put you down big time and who has time for that?! So glad to hear you are doing better again!! (oh, and mine wasn't dehydration from coffee, it was from diet coke...so glad I kicked that habit..but man. It took us a long time to say our goodbyes.)


kdotdammit September 7 2010, 19:54:17 UTC
Well, I think mine is a combination of having a reaction to the coffee which already compromised my system and then getting dehydrated on top of it. But holy shit, what a mess. I can't believe how long it is taking me to recover, probably because the infection is inside my body where it is warm and moist and ever so welcoming to the freaking bacteria. Fuckers! I can see Diet Coke also causing a problem with pH levels. I'm an All Water All The Time girl now (with a few shots of tea in between).


mflores422 September 7 2010, 20:49:53 UTC
That diet coke was dehydrating me wasn't the only obvious problem with drinking it...it was my body's fucked up way of looking out for me I guess.


wuweibaby September 7 2010, 21:01:56 UTC
i'm not going to forgo my coffee, BUT, i will certainly consume more water and keep your misadventure in my head as a precaution.

thanks for the tale, and i'm happy you're feeling like your old self!


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