Hey crew! It's that time again - time to plan for the next epic meetup of the USS Macchiato.
First, I have to apologize. I'd meant to make the planning post for the next meetup sooner, but alas, shit has gotten in the way. First, I've spent the last two weekends at two different conventions. The first one was Arisia, in Boston, and it was EPIC (as always). The second was VisionCon in Springfield, MO. I had a good time because two of our awesome crew members attended (
mizuno_caitlin and
coldfireserge ) along with several other friends, but the con itself was mediocre at best. Still, a good time with great GQMF's. :D Also, aside from that, I've been a bit under the weather lately (feel free to peruse my own LJ for reference), and I'm still not quite feeling my best. But hey, not gonna let anything slow THIS SHIP down!
So, I've got a tentative plan for the next meetup. I'm going to aim for a Saturday, because that seems to work best for most folks. Here's the general idea:
This will start with an ice-skating party. We'd meet at Crown Center ice rink around 2:00 PM for about two hours of ice antics. (Trekkies on Ice, anyone?) If anyone does NOT want to attend this part of the meetup, that's FINE. No pressure.
After that, we'd proceed to Javanaut or another local coffee house to warm up with macchiatos, tea (Earl Grey, hot), and other forms of caffeinated goodness. Some non-skating folks can join us there, or feel free to finally catch up with us for the final phase - the house party.
After filling up on caffeine, it's on to my house, or whoever wishes to host the main meetup/party (volunteers to host?). Bring snacks to share, just like last time. We'd watch a couple of episodes, a movie, other geeky footage, or totally inappropriate Trek pr0nz, as supplied by our First Officer. Just a great party, GQMF-Trekkie style. The party ends when we're too tired to go on.
Now, as I said, I'm thinking a Saturday. The options are listed below in the poll. The 20th is NOT an option because that's Naka-Kon, and several GQMF's are attending that convention (or helping to run it, actually). Here are a few things about each date to note before you vote:
- The 30th of January is possible, but it's REALLY soon, and I'll bet some folks can't make it because of timing. Hell, that's THIS weekend. However, if a few people would like to get together just for coffee, poke me and let me know. You can never have too many coffee outings with fellow Trek fans. That's why I included that option on the poll. If you'd like to have a small get-together this weekend, say so! We can make it happen.
- The 6th of February would be wide open for me, with nothing else going on. The only problem would be that if we want to have the house party at my house, my wife has to work that weekend, so she'd want to go to bed early (which means we'd have to keep the noise down).
- The 13th is the night before Chinese New Year AND Valentines Day. We could do a themed party with that - the ANTI-Valentines party, or a Chinese New Year theme. I personally love the idea of a themed party. OOOOH... a Klingon Valentine... DUDE. I'm getting ideas. Honestly... that day is sounding better and better the more I think of it.
- On the 27th,
auroraceleste is in town. She's a fellow geek and Trek fan, costumer, and several of us know her. If she still lived in KC, she'd join the ship officially. As it is, I'd like to make her the Auxiliary Quartermaster. So if we have a gathering on the 27th, she could come, and it would be nice to have a meetup when she can get there.
Also, bear in mind that we CAN do TWO MEETUPS. One can be an ice skating party, and the other could be a regular party, or a themed party. We could also do one big party and one small meetup. I'm open to any suggestions for the planning. What do you want to have happen? What would be fun for you? What days and times are you available? Please comment with your ideas!
(Also, I am an idiot, and I wrote February 29th in the poll instead of February 27th. I can not edit polls. Please read that line of the poll as "27th." Thank you.)
Poll Meetup #3!