Nov 10, 2009 09:05
Here's the idea: We need to have one meetup before the holiday season strikes in force. I'd like to do this meetup in Kansas City, and the next one in Lawrence.
Here's the plan: On Saturday the 21st, we'll get together for food, drinks, movie/episode watching, and general geekery.
We'll start at McCoy's in Westport around 2:00 PM. Food, drinks, breaking the ice, general silliness. For anyone who hasn't been there, McCoy's is a restaurant and brewery. They have a fantastic selection of their own beers, and their food is just damned good. You DO NOT have to be 21+ to go in - it's a restaurant, not a bar. Even though it's a Saturday, 2:00 PM shouldn't be too crowded, and we'll probably be able to geek out to our hearts' content without distracting the mundane folks. If we get enough people RSVP'ing, i'll attempt to reserve the private room. That would be awesome.
After food and beer and socializing, I personally invite everyone to join me at my house, which is less than two miles from McCoy's, and within very easy access of I-35 and other major roads. (I'm near KU Med.) The party continues until folks get tired and need to leave.
Details: For movies, I own movies III through XI, as well as Nemesis and Generations (not that we're going to watch Nemesis, sorry). I've also got the DVD-quality rip of ST:XI on my computer (although I'm sure most of you have that, too). And, of course, if anyone has PURCHASED the actual DVD of the movie by then, we can watch that! In fact... I might not only purchase the movie, I might go out and buy the blu-ray ANd a blu-ray PLAYER, because I'm just that pathetic.
If anyone else WANTS to bring some DVD's they want to share, then please, by all means, BRING THEM. Want to watch some Voyager? DS9? SPEAK UP!
Stuff to bring: We're geeks. We do geeky things. This is good. Therefore, feel free to bring what makes you happy. I HIGHLY suggest bringing your laptop, because when geeks get together, laptops inevitably come out, and people have to show each other that fanvid that made them piss themselves laughing, or that fanart that was just *GUH*, or read a section of of a fanfic from some obscure old fanzine that only goes to prove that fanfic writers haven't changed in 40 years. So yeah, bring your laptop.
If you want to bring drinks or snacks to share, FEEL FREE. Cardassian Sunrises? Romulan ale? Starfleet insignia cookies? NOM! However, DON'T FEEL OBLIGATED. I don't invite people to my house unless I can provide.
Also optional: Bring action figures, costumes you want to show off (don't wear them to McCoy's, silly), the phaser and tricorder you bought, the Karl Urban cross-stitch pillow that you wouldn't show anyone else but other fans... yeah, bring your swag. Anything that makes you squee will probably make other fans squee.
NOT OPTIONAL: You must be at least 18 years of age to attend. I'm sorry, but for several obvious reasons, I don't feel comfortable hosting underage people at a party where there WILL be discussion of adult themes, as well as alcoholic beverages being served. If you're over 18, you can police yourself in terms of beverages, but I can't be responsible for a minor, no matter how mature you are, no matter how soon your 18th birthday might be. This is for legal and ethical reasons, and I hope you can understand why this rule has to be unwavering.
Contingency Plans: I've been hosting and attending fandom meetups for more than seven years. I've stayed at fandom people's houses while driving cross-country, and have had many fandom friends crash at my place. My wife is also fandom (and has JUST become a Star Trek fan), and she is just as comfortable opening our house to people as I am. In fact, together, we started and hosted the Midwest Harry Potter Meetup Group.
We have a guest bed, a futon, a couch, two air mattresses, and an extra futon pad. NOBODY DRIVES HOME DRUNK. Nobody drives home overtired. If you feel unable to safely drive back to your house, we've got space for you. Two bathrooms, clean towels, toiletries - don't worry, we can take care of you if you realize that you stayed too late and the road is a bit too daunting. And in the morning, I'm makin' waffles!
Also, if you are coming from Lawrence or Topeka or any locations west of Kansas City, consider carpooling. It's good for the environment, it saves on gas money, and it's a chance to start warming up your geekery with other lovely GQMF's before you even get to KC. If you are OFFERING or NEED a ride to/from Lawrence or anywhere west of KC, feel free to post that in a comment below.
If you need my personal contact information (phone, e-mail) to ask questions, or in case you get lost, send me an PM.
And here we go... hailing frequencies open...