What is the Kurt/Blaine Reversebang?
The Kurt/Blaine Reversebang is based on the concept of the general bigbangs, except here the art comes first. Artists create their art, send in their submissions and authors choose the pieces in a blind claims post. Then the authors write a minimum of 6K words based on the artwork and starting from the 1st of June, the Kurt/Blaine fandom gets a whole bunch of delightful presents. You are not required to have an LJ account to participate.
What are the dates?
Important dates for 2012:
Jan 24 Artist & Author signups OPEN
Jan 24-March 25 Prompt submissions
Feb 7 Artist signups CLOSED
Feb 11 Author Signups CLOSED
Feb 11-End of challenge Pinch-hitter signups OPEN
March 28 Artist works due
March 30 Submissions viewing post opens
April 1-April 4 Author claims OPEN
June 1 Posting begins
How does this work?
Artists sign up starting January 24th. They can work from their own ideas or choose from a selection of prompts that will be submitted by the fandom at large and have their pieces ready by March 28th. If you wish to add to/change the artwork because you're inspired by the author's ideas after you've submitted your work, that's fine. And you're welcome to do more than one piece for an author if you have the time or desire to do so. This change is mainly to ensure that all art comes with a story and vice versa, since it is easier to find pinch-hitters to write if an author needs to drop out, but doesn't really work the other way around because of the way the challenge is structured.
I'm an artist, tell me more?
Your primary responsibility is at least one piece of art: hand-drawn (digital or traditional)/vids/paintovers etc. made specifically for this challenge. No icons/wallpapers/manips. Please keep in mind that it will need to inspire a 6K word story and the more story you build into your work, the cooler the art/fic combination will be, so...brainstorm accordingly? You may do up to 3 separate pieces before the submission date. If, after author claims, you wish to create more art for your author's story, that's more than welcome. Feel free to have that extra be anything, including the previously nixed icons and wallpapers.
Content-wise, the pairing should be Kurt/Blaine of course and the rest is up to you. You will have time to make changes/create new pieces after you have an author, so how much more you wish to do after you submit your initial piece(s) is completely up to you.
ETA: I assumed this was understood, but just to clarify, the authors will be claiming art in blind claims, artwork cannot be posted anywhere else or it will take away from the claims being completely unknown. Artwork and fic will be posted together on specified posting dates.
I'm an author, more details?
After claiming your artwork(s), you will need to write a story of at least 6K words by the 1st of June. More is excellent, less is not. Please work with your artist to talk through interpretations of the artwork. Do keep in mind that elements in the artwork definitely need to be present in your story. If there is a pairing specifically shown, it cannot just be left out. However, how you choose to work with the specifications will be up to you and your artist.
How do claims work?
We will make a preview page with all the artwork that will be up for all authors for 24 hours before claims open so that everyone can get their preferences in order. Since we are potentially working with multiple platforms here, the link to the preview page will be emailed out to all participants rather than being opened up to everyone watching the comm, so please make sure you keep the date in mind! We will open up a claims post where people will comment with their first three preferences and will be assigned artwork on a first claimed first served basis. Multiple claims are allowed as soon as all artwork is claimed at least once. Sometimes a certain situation can be closer to an author's preferences than others, but all artwork will need to have an author first before we allow any doubling up.
I'm a pinch-hitter, tell me more?
First of all, thank you for signing up and not letting any artwork go unficced. Depending on when you get assigned, we will make sure to have your posting date be as late as possible if the initial posting date is not feasible. The 6K words still apply, but you will be getting your artwork to you from us rather than claiming anything on your own. You may or may not end up being needed, but thank you for considering it nevertheless.
Do fics need to be beta read?
Yes, they do need to be beta read.
Where do I find a beta?
A post will be made in the comm where people can offer their beta services and authors (and possibly artists) can hook up with a beta for their piece.
Will there be any collaboration after authors claim their pieces?
Yes, we're counting on it! Once all pieces have been claimed, authors and artists will be introduced to each other via a handy little information post and should then get in touch so that the author can get a sense of what the artist had in mind, and the artist can change or create more works with inspiration from the author if they so desire.
I'm an artist, what's up with the prompts post? Do I need to use one?
The prompts are completely optional, they are meant as inspiration for the artist who just needs a tiny push to get going. Whether you choose to use a prompt is completely up to you.
Great! Where do I sign up?
Artists sign up
here. Authors sign up
What about posting?
Posting starts on the 1st of June. A posting schedule will be worked up closer to the date, keep an eye out for more details then. For now, keep in mind that even though art for the author claims will be hosted by us since the author claims are blind ones, the final posts will be the responsibilities of the author/artist groups. There will be a master post to the community on the specified date where the artist or author will make a post to the community with a thumbnail and story headers, and link to the art and story on their own journals. Works will not be posted directly on the community. Photobucket is a good hosting resource for artwork. If you need more help, feel free to contact us and we'll work something out.
Anything else?
Membership is moderated, no one other than artists and authors will be allowed to join the community. We do encourage everyone else to watch the comm though! You can also follow along on updates via the
KBlReversebang tumblr I have a question/concern/complaint!
Please leave a comment here, or email kblreversebang(at)gmail(dot)com. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Your mods are:
ileliberte and
niniblack And finally, we would love to have people spread the word about this challenge, so please feel free to use the image or code below to direct people this way.