I'm just take a nap for an hour and when I awake
this is the first thing that popped in my Flist!
And my mind was going BLANK..... for a milli-second LOL
# TOO FAST! Once again it's way too damn fast for Eito's records! What are they? ARASHI? LOL Honestly speaking, I'm kinda scared what others might think about this :(
# But, yeay!! It's a DREAM COME
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Comments 31
And She went to library, so I turn on my laptop and... This news is the first thing I saw in my friend list
It's really looks like oasis in Korean+Super Junior desert. I'm sooooooo happy, I almost can't believe it
It's really a dreams come true for Eito. AND At least now we have answer where we can find the continue of prologue of patch
OMG! Kita sehati XD
Di tengah ricuhnya SUJU disekelilingku, ini bagaikan surga tersendiri untukku *lebay abis* LOL
Ternyata dirimu ga suka Korea jg ya? *toss*
Makin sehati aja kita, selain suka Eito XDD
And yes.. I hope this single will includes the rest of members PV! Shota, Tatsu, Yoko, Hina ASDFGHJKL WANTS!!!!
I want to babbling in Indonesian too here:
dan aku agak sebel sama idol-idol korea yang sekarAng membanjiri jepang,kenapa mereka ga diem anteng aja di negaranya sendiri sih! kaya jepang masih kekurangan idol aja, apa lagi pas aku denger ada idol Korea yang mau koser di Kyosera dome. ITU KAN RUMAHNYA EITO, PERGI JAUH-JAUH KALIAN!
Gosh, it's so disgusting! >.>
I don't really care about a fanboy tho' but not that much! Geez..
Siapa itu?
Kalo mereka konser di Tokyo Dome atau Kokuritsu aku sm sekali ga masalah, tp Kyosera??? Org Osaka udh cukup pny Eito, ga usah di doktrin yg macem2 deh =_=;
But, I'm kinda worries, will it sold well?
What if it ended up like Osaka Rainy Blues? D:
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