I don't care-e-e-e-e-eeeeee~

Feb 12, 2010 11:14

~about THIS.
Just. No.
C'mon. I believe too much in those guys to accept that as a fact.
I'm not in denial! At least I hope I'm not. XD

They didn't had an easy start you know? They actually gave their best to conquer their place in the music industry.
Inocchi and Okada are not too busy, they were always too busy.
And Inocchi wanting to leave V6 ( Read more... )

don't want to tag this, v6

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Comments 24

restless_28 February 12 2010, 14:26:19 UTC
agree! agree! although i already died after reading these continuous LJ posts from v6community & fans ... awww... i don't want this to happen kazuh-chan .. please tell me V6 won't leave us, ne?..please tell me .. *sniffs*

"since 1995~forever.... ):"


kazuh February 12 2010, 14:41:32 UTC
ugh, my heart is hurting so much, too =/
They won't leave us, Olive-chan... they won't! I believe with all my heart that it's just a rumour. ^^

Since 1995~FOREVER!


lenra February 12 2010, 14:36:25 UTC
Enquanto o Johnny não se pronunciar sobre isso eu prefiro ter certeza/achar que é um rumor falso, sério já cansei de ler sobre o SMAP terminar (todo ano tem esse rumor XD) e eles estão aí firmes e fortes *e que continuem assim* além do mais o Kimura já é casado e tem duas filhas e mesmo assim continua com o SMAP então a desculpa que o Inocchi quer sair porque irá ser pai é risível. Ah também teve um rumor sobre Kinki Kids se separarem ano passado rsrsrsrs e até falaram que o nome do single novo lançado em setembro (Swan Song) era uma "pista" *haha* de que eles iriam seguir uma carreira solo e terminar com Kinki :´DDD

enfim isso tudo é besteira, eu já estou acostumada em ler essas coisas e nem me comovo mais XD


kazuh February 12 2010, 14:48:53 UTC
Isso do SMAP é muito verdade. Faz mó tempão que eles vão terminar "esse ano".
Concordo completamente com você. A desculpa do Inocchi sair porque vai ser pai é mais que ridículo. Sem cabimento. Essa do Kinki Kids eu não sabia ^^; Mas no geral, não tô muito preocupada não XD

Achei tudo muito sem noção nesse artigo, também acho que não tem nada a ver. Mas V6 é uma das minha bandas favoritas. Só perde pro TOKIO. Mesmo a gente sabendo que é besteira, sei lá, dá um aperto no coração... sempre fica uma duvidazinha... um "e se for verdade dessa vez?" XDD
Mas depois que comecei a gostar de kpop comecei a levar esses rumores numa boa XDD


rf_the_stampede February 12 2010, 14:37:39 UTC
I think that kind of words can not come from Inocchi!!
He's the one who often dedicates himself to V6....that seems not possible.

I don't believe in this kind of rumour until the official will make an announcement.


kazuh February 12 2010, 14:54:56 UTC
I agree with you. 100%.
Seeing his life with V6, this just doesn't makes sense.
I really think this is all fake. I'm not worried for now ;) Glad you're don't believe in this too!!
And I just realised I forgot to add you back!! I'm really, really sorry but I though I did when we talked on the friending meme ^^;


rf_the_stampede February 12 2010, 15:05:24 UTC
That's find...and thanks for adding me back :-)

I hope that this rumour ming be a preparation for any surprises which they'll do for their 15th anniversary...just believe in them ^^


kazuh February 12 2010, 16:35:36 UTC

I hope you're right ^^
This reminds of something that happened to TOKIO. They happened to have a concert on April Fool's Day and they decided to tell the audience of their concert that day that they would disband, as a joke. Then they would tell "it's a joke" Happy Fool's Day! We goy you" and everybody would laugh. But the fans started to scream ad cry and when they told them it was a joke the fans couldn't stop crying ^^;
Hope it's something like that this time too... or just a fake article XD


honeyswallow February 12 2010, 16:38:07 UTC
I know, I too was like "hey guys, you remember their 10th anniversary, right? All teh crying? All the love?" but I stil genuinely packed because you know what, one day it might actually happen. I mean, the reasons listened don't sound plausible to me. In theory, despite everything, solo activities and whatnot, T&T are still T6T, SMAP is still SMAP and so V6 will at least by logic continue to be V6...


kazuh February 12 2010, 16:49:41 UTC
It will happen someday. But I can't see any reason for it to happen now. The reasons in the article are, from my point of view, thir usual schedule. You know, the things they always did and will keep on doing. A few new things are happening, but there are no plausible reasons for them to disband.
We know they had some internal problems in the past, but we also know they honestly enjoy being together.


felly80 February 12 2010, 17:02:23 UTC
I feel the same way too. I hope the rumors will clear up soon. Believe in V6!


kazuh February 13 2010, 19:34:37 UTC
Right? I hope it will clear up as soon as possible, too...
1995 ~ Forever!! Or at least for some more decades ^^


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