Food time!

Sep 05, 2009 22:46

Between the great cleaning of the kitchen, which we still need to finish up, and the cooler weather, I am inspired to do some cooking.

We're being fed tomorrow by friends (thanks guys!), so I am going to try Plum and Cream Mini Tortes, individual plum filled tortes with ricotta cream cheese frosting. I'll reprise something like this for Monday's low key cook out, a plum or peach (or both) easy cake.

At the market I couldn't resist a pint of jewel like grape tomatoes, though I let J pick out which kind. I'm thinking of a fritatta with them, gently slicing and cooking the tomatoes with basil before adding them to the egg mixture. I may take that along Monday, or just the package of halloumi for cutting up and grilling. I'm glad I made sure to do a Wine Source run on Thursday in anticipation of the weekend.

Friday I'm going to make an orange poppy seed cake for the hafla (have to figure out how to add blueberries without making it soggy as I had to buy frozen ones because fresh are not really in season and too $$$). I'm also going to try this recipe for Bacon Goat Cheese "Pops", passed on to my by a friend. Sounds delicious.

Then there's the left over corn I need to do something with (salsa?) if it's not bad, and what about the butter beans I bought? Cook them with bacon? Tomorrow's breakfast will be BLTs with market bacon and tomoatoes, and I should also cook up the lingering beets and put them on a salad or something. And there's kale for krispy kale and raw kale salad.

Now, why do I end up eating a sandwich and baby carrots every day for lunch?
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