light at the end of the tunnel

Aug 12, 2013 08:23

I may have a way out of fast food Hell. I was offered a job at a group home helping people with Schizoaffective Disorder. They surprised me by calling so quickly with the job offer after telling they'd decide in a week (it took them a day to call back.)

Originally posted here. Feel free to comment there using OpenID if you don't have an account.|
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work, personal

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Comments 5

aadarshinah August 12 2013, 13:26:01 UTC


sabaceanbabe August 12 2013, 15:42:31 UTC
That's awesome, Kaz! :D


memprime August 12 2013, 23:15:12 UTC
YAY! I hope it pays more than your current job.


tiggerscaper August 13 2013, 19:56:50 UTC


suenix August 14 2013, 02:38:10 UTC
Good Luck!


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