guys - what gives?

Jun 17, 2009 09:11

So yesterday my daughter and I went to the supermarket. There's this guy standing in line in front of me with some ice cream, so not my type...

He has only Ice Cream and cones, and I have a cart full of stuff. He's obviously checking me out. Already I'm annoyed because I'm grocery shopping and don't want to be bothered, and secondly, I'm with my daughter. I myself find it disrespectful to approach a woman when she's with her kid(s). (STRIKE 1)

"You know, you can go in front of me if you want" I say no, it's ok, you go ahead you only have like 3 things..

So at a loss for words now, he looks at my daughter and says "Is that your SON?" (STRIKE 2) "Uh no, that's my DAUGHTER". .. silent pause.. "Oh" he says.. AND CONTINUES TO TALK.. "She's almost as tall as you" (STRIKE 3) Now you're insulting my height?!?!

So now I'm just ignoring him.. what an idiot.

"So .. are you married, single .. are you filipino?"


I just continued to ignore him and he went and stood in another line.

Dude.. come on.. do you think you can still try and talk to me after you call my daughter a boy, insult my height and ogle me like I don't notice?

*shakes head*

I don't understand it. I know it's hard to talk to a woman guys.. but don't get discombobulated and start spewing doo doo out your mouth. Talk to us like people. How about a "Hello, how are you? My name is xyz" and go from there. Don't try to be witty, Don't try to be suave/smooth.. just be you. I don't need you to try and impress me. Just talk to me man. TALK to me.

That is all.

Kaysun out.

OH by the way, new kaysun vid on my youtube channel:

kaysun pickup come on

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