Title: Something Else
Rating: FRT (compatible with BtVS TV series)
Pairing: B/G… er… eventually
Timeline: post-s7
Distribution: Just my journal for now
Summary: The gang is on the road after the fall of Sunnydale, each Scooby struggling to come to terms with what happens next. Buffy finds herself drawn to Giles, but solace and solidarity are very
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Comments 8
Long may your plotbunnies tunnel. (Although I now have a mental vision of '7 Dwarfs' style bunnies, armed with pickaxes)
Thanks for the response. I hope the build-up pays off!
Can't wait to see how she talks him into getting married. Or does he actually think of it on his own? Questions, questions.
Can't wait to see how she talks him into getting married. Or does he actually think of it on his own?
Yeah, um, I can't wait either! :)
I love it when you write. This has been great, and I'm not sure if I've "fed back" on this one, so let me just say...it's awesome. I love everything about it. So yay! Please continue.
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