Feb 18, 2010 10:55

Guys, I'm sorry I suck so much, I just got smacked around by school for a couple of weeks. It was nothing too difficult, I just had a test or assignment due every class period. BLEGH. I forgot how to string words together for a while but I'm getting better. Want proof?

Here! Have 230 words of crack!

wherein the crew of the Enterprise discover a Sad Panda

"It's a sad panda," says Jim. He points at the animal slumped dejectedly against the landing strut of the shuttle and looks around to see if anyone else has noticed. "Guys, it's an actual sad panda."

"We know this," says Chekov. He's standing at the edge of the clearing, clutching a tricorder to his chest. Jim doesn't know why Chekov has the tricorder instead of, say, Bones, but maybe Bones is taking a leak and Chekov wants to cross-train or something. Chekov holds out the tricorder and pokes it anxiously. "Only, sir, it is not just sad panda. It is Dr. McCoy."

"...what?" says Jim.

Chekov fixes Jim with a solemn, determined expression. "Dr. McCoy and I were performing reconnaissance as ordered, sir. Suddenly, there was a bright flash of light and where Dr. McCoy had been, there was...." He gestures at the panda and mutely shakes his head, as if this is all too terrible to say aloud.

"Are you certain that's Dr. McCoy?" Jim asks. "He was actually transformed, not replaced?"

Uhura steps up beside Jim. "We're sure," she says quietly. "He seems to have retained all of his memories and intelligence; he's quite communicative."

Jim clenches his hands into fists, suddenly filled with a fierce protectiveness. "In that case," he says through gritted teeth, "I'm going to make him a happy panda."

freewrite, fic, star trek, fic: g, chaos has a tag, i'm so on crack

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