Title: Iron Guts Kelly
kaylashay81Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: I'm not Bellesario or CBS, so I don't claim to own them.
Genre: AU Gen
Characters: Tony; Kelly Gibbs
Word Count: 1,000
Setting: Pre-Series; Summer of 2002
satyrnfive Verse:
Iron Guts Kelly Verse Written For:
ncis1000words Challenge #14 -
Reverse Fandom: M*A*S*HNote: Title of M*A*S*H episode 03x04 inspired
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Comments 14
I saw that title and *knew* I had to write something with Kelly. My first thought was something when she was young and Gibbs got to witness, but then that made me sad. Then Tony said he wanted to call her iron guts and I ran with it.
I'm pondering a Supernatural crossover for one of the titles now. :-)
Oh yeah, dating Kelly is like the death sentence in Tony's mind. There are fences and barriers, highly trained guard dogs that bite off sensitive boy bits, etc... :-)
I still have to figure out exactly what Gibbs and Tony's relationship will be in the verse. You know, I flip-flop between slash and gen with those two that I never know what's going to come out when writing a fic with them in it.
But I'm definitely doing the brother/sister route for Tony and Kelly. Tony needs someone just as much as Kelly needs someone that is not her dad.
Of course, the 'verse could veer off in any direction according to the whims of your Muse!
And yeah, Kelly and Tony need each other. Of course, in my world they'd be getting into mischief together... *g*
Yeah, I've set it up gen for the moment... I'm kinda leaning toward keeping it there, but then I haven't had any full Tony and Gibbs interaction yet. Who knows. When I try to write Tony/Abby, Gibbs somehow always slips in there. And when I aim for gen with them, the slash just sometimes pops up. We'll have to see what the muse has planned.
All that said, I would like to play with how Kelly would deal with her father being in a relationship with a man at some point. I'm not sure this is the verse for it, but I'll have stew over that.
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