because all these ladies kick ass.

Dec 29, 2009 13:41

Look, the Doctor's great and all, but this is the show I'm watching.

Book of Days
edited by kaydee falls
fandom: Doctor Who
characters: Rose, Martha, Donna, Sarah Jane, Sally Sparrow, Astrid, Lady Christina, River Song, Reinette, Jenny, Matron, Lynda
music: "Book of Days" by Enya
summary: A journal of incredible women. Doctor who?
watch: embed below the cut, or on BAM Vid Vault.
download: mediafire (.mov, 35 MB)
disclaimer: not mine, no profit, don't sue.
notes: spoilers through "Planet of the Dead"

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LYRICS (Irish Gaelic):

Ó lá go lá, mo thuras,
An bealach fada romham.
Ó oíche go hoíche, mo thuras,
na scéalta nach mbeidh a choích'.


From day to day, my journey,
The long pilgrimage before me.
From night to night, my journey,
The stories that will never be again.

vid: doctor who

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