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Comments 17

newredshoes March 16 2009, 04:07:24 UTC
Ah, Winnix. I have no recs for you, since I'm not particularly reading for the slash (though camp_toccoa is where it lives, and other things live at aldbournewhores), but I do have some amazing gen stories you should check out!

Whose Faces I Do Not Recall - Father Maloney, the company chaplain (you saw him briefly in "Carentan" and "Bastogne"), and his perspective on the boys of Easy.

The Green Grass Stretches - Totally amazing portrait of Speirs.

Before I Spill the Things I Mean to Hide Away - This is about Tipper, the guy who helps trick Sobel and who gets his face blown up in "Carentan."

And Chaos Is Luck - This. Is freaking. Incredible. It's fifty one-sentence stories. It's incredible.

Also, you might like this. There are more lurking here, but those are the ones that stand out.


acari March 16 2009, 04:58:48 UTC
Thanks for the link to the Speirs fic! I suddenly feel the urge to revisit the fandom.


newredshoes March 16 2009, 05:03:23 UTC
Sure thing! (It's amazing how it sucks you in -- I always have a pavlovian urge to go "Motherfucking Ronald Speirs!!!" whenever I see his name. All shall love BoB and despair!)

(Also, kaydeefalls? I did a little digging, and it looks like you want no_vices for your fix.)


kaydeefalls March 16 2009, 05:07:28 UTC
Oh, yeah, I just dug that up myself. I'm always wary with general fic comms, because so many of the fics in any given fandom are just plain crap -- especially with popular pairings -- but I'll try wading through it. Thanks!

Speirs is so motherfucking crazy, he's hilarious. I love him just casually ripping the drapes off the walls of the Eagle's Nest as he loots his way across Europe.


reebchan March 16 2009, 04:19:25 UTC
See, I watched that, and I totally didn't think it looked a thing like Tudyk -- I actually thought, "they're going to have to work to make that look like Alan was there all along." I am happy to be disproved, because damn.

Also, did you see the previews for episode 6? Because whatever happens between two characters has me wriggling in anticipation...

Buffy season 1 was miserable, it didn't gel with me until sometime in season 2 -- and even then, it's uneven all the way through. (Oddly enough, my coworker's brother was in the first season of Buffy.) Firefly became amazing with Our Mrs. Reynolds, which was the fifth or sixth episode written. Sports Night I liked in the early episodes, whatever.


kaydeefalls March 16 2009, 04:24:24 UTC
Seriously, look at that profile. Pure Tudyk. Maybe they swapped someone else in for the full back shot -- though I dunno why they would, you really can't tell a thing from that -- but the closeup putting the photo in the envelope has to be him. It's not obvious unless you're really looking for it, though.

Just watched the preview. Oh, look, Ballard and Echo in the same shot! About time.


reebchan March 16 2009, 04:30:41 UTC
I am not used to my Wash being lit so creepily, or looking strangely like Pan. Does he have a goatee? Is that goatee being seen? Is he brunette now? The full-back shot seems nothing like him, but...I haven't actually studied Alan Tudyk in the buff before. Clearly, I need to rent Death at a Funeral

Also, just noticed -- Victor is totally in the shot of the dolls going to bed. You can't see his face, but you can see his profile as Echo goes to bed. Nice.


acari March 16 2009, 04:57:03 UTC
I'm not much for Winters/Nixon, mostly because I loathe Nixon, but I fondly remember Broken Glass.

In case you're interested, Secret Santas:

I haven't read BoB fic in ages but I have two old links on my rec site. Not your prefered pairing, though.


kaydeefalls March 16 2009, 05:04:07 UTC
Fair enough. Thanks for the recs!


msilverstar March 16 2009, 05:22:00 UTC
I know there are people on my flist who have posted BoB fic, but I cannot remember who! heartofslash I thought, but justthefic is mostly various (VERY HOT) solider crossovers from BHD, Eastern Promises, and RPS. I will cudgel my brain.


tardis_stowaway March 16 2009, 05:27:17 UTC
Yeah, I still have yet to be more than moderately entertained by Dollhouse, but I'm still hopeful. As you and others have pointed out, a lot of shows take a season to find their stride. I liked the conversation between Topher and Amy Acker's character (whose name I can never remember, because I keep thinking "oh look, it's Fred!") about Victor's reactions to Sierra. Also, this is the first episode where I liked Agent Ballard.


kaydeefalls March 17 2009, 01:29:06 UTC
"I prefer man-reaction." Heh.

Ballard's starting to exhibit signs of personality! It's very exciting.


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