Stop Being Polite (A Glee/The Real World AU) 5b/?

Jun 08, 2012 15:58


The roomates get out of the car and walk up the street towards the house at the top of this hill.

“If I’d known the house was on the top of a mountain, I would have worn flats” Santana complains, leaning on Mike for support as they trek up the hill.

“I wouldnt’ have let you, Santana those shoes are fabulous.”

“Why thank you Kurt, now that I have your approval of my fashion, my life is complete. Anyway, just a heads up, my girlfriend is meeting us here later and she is coming back to the house with us.”

They finally get into the party, which is being held in a large, spacious house. The roommates look around for a few seconds before Kurt turns to them.

“I’m DD tonight, so you guys have a good time. I’m going to the karaoke room to find Mercedes, who’s joining me.”

Rachel raises her hand excitedly. Puck’s mouth is open as he stares around the house at all the drunk college girls. Santana grabs Sugar and they take off in one direction, while Puck and Mike go towards the keg. Kurt turns to Blaine.

“So, karaoke?”


They walk into the room, just as Mercedes is on the makeshift stage, singing Jill’s Scott’s “Hate on Me”. She waves to Kurt who automatically runs to join her on stage, shimmying his shoulders at her when he gets up there. Rachel and Blaine stand to watch in awe as Mercedes sings.


Downstairs, Santana and Sugar sit on the porch, Santana jumps up as a tall blonde in very short shorts walks up the hill to the house. Santana runs out and meets her halfway. The blonde pulls Santana into a hug, kissing her passionately on the lips. Sugar smiles as Puck and Mike come out and hand her a drink.

“Whoa. That’s Santana’s girlfriend? I thought it was a requirement that at least one lesbian look kinda like a dude. Her girlfriend may be even hotter than her.”

“Puck, I think that’s just a stereotype,” Mike says taking a ship of his beer. Santana leads Brittany too the porch, grabbing her hand and pulling her.

“People, this is my girl Brit. Any of you say anything stupid to her and I will ends you.”

“Hi Santana’s roommates. Is she being nice to you? Because I told her she shouldn’t be mean to you unless you’re mean to her first.”

“I’m a perfect angel, right guys?” Santana asks pointedly, raising her eyebrow hoping one of them will disagree.

“Let’s go dance.” Mike says, grabbing Sugar and going into the house as Puck, Brittany and Santana follow.

“So you guys are Kurt’s roommates.” Mercedes says, still slightly out of breath from her song.

“Guys, this is my best friend and fellow diva Mercedes Jones. Mercedes, this is Rachel and Blaine. The rest of them are around here somewhere.”

Blaine sticks his hand out to shake, “You’re voice is absotely amazing Mercedes. I hope I get to hear some more of it tonight.”

Mercedes smirks at Kurt before taking Blaine’s hand.
“Your voice was quite remarkable. Sure, you lack the control and ennunciation that would be necessary to become a star of the stage and screen, but I’m sure for the type of music you enjoy, that’s not really needed.”

Mercedes raises and eyebrow at Rachel, before Kurt glares at her, and pulls Mercedes hand out of the room.

“Why don’t we get some drinks in you. NOW.”

They walk through the living room into the kitchen where a crowd has gathered in the middle of the living room, “Like a G-6” is playing and the crowd is cheering for whoever’s in the middle. Sugar waves them over and as they join her in the crowd, they look to see Mike and Brittany in the middle of the circle dancing. Brittany popping differnt parts of her body as Mike glides around her.

“Santana never told us that her girlfriend was a dancer. All we knew was that they were cheerleaders. It was such a relief, finally finding a place where I could let loose and dance, I don’t really feel like myself unless I’m moving. It’s the first time I really felt at home in LA.”

They stand and watch Mike and Brittany move around each other, Kurt catching a glimpse of Santana as she watches smugly, clearly very aware of how talented her girlfriend is. Kurt winks at her and she rolls her eyes at him before joining the circle, dropping down, popping her legs open and bouncing a bit before working her way over to Brittany, grabbing her waste and beginning to grind into her. They take that as their cue to leave, Kurt turns towards the kitchen, Mercedes, Blaine and Rachel behind him.

When they get to the kitchen, Kurt grabs a diet Coke, while Blaine makes himself a mixed drink.

“What are you making” Rachel asks as Blaine looks over the multitude of bottles on the table. He grabs a bottle of vodka and some sprite. And poors a generous amount into his cup.

“I don’t really know, but this looks like it could be good. What do you think?”

“I’ll have one as well.”

As the night has progressed, everyone has gotten drunk accept for Kurt. Santana and Brittany have been making out in a corner, getting dirtier and dirtier, Santana’s hand clearly up Brittany’s shirt. Puck and Sugar are grinding on each other on the dancefloor, Sugars hands in Puck’s back pocket. Kurt stands in the corner, nursing another soda as Rachel and Blaine dance sloppily on the dancefloor, Blaine with a huge goofy grin on his face, clearly having the time of his life.
Mercedes walks up from where she was dancing with her friends, grabs the coke out of Kurt’s hand and takes a sip.

“Are you sure you’re okay with not pursuing this. He’s been sneaking looks at you all night, why don’t you dance, or at least sing a bit.”

“I’ve danced. I danced with Sugar for awhile.”

“You know what I mean. I just don’t see the point of sulking here in the corner watching him dance with a girl he has no interest in when you could at least dance with them.”

“I’m having fun watching.”

“Sure you are.”

They watch as Rachel stumbles her way up to the microphone.

“I have found myself a duet partner!” She screams into the microphone. Blaine jumps up, laughing and runs to join her on stage. Rachel cues up the machine, “Dont You Want Me” by Human League begins to play. Blaine jumping up and down excitedly. He turns to Kurt, winks at him and Kurt smiles before Rachel reaches up and physically turns Blaine’s face towards her own as she sings. The entire time they’re singing, Blaine keeps making his way towards the end of the stage where Kurt is sitting, and Rachel physically grabs him and turns his attention back to her. When the song is over, Rachel drops the microphone, reaches up and grabs Blaine, kissing him. Blaine returns the kiss for a second before pulling way, cupping a hand over his mouth and running from the room.

“Well, party’s over.” Kurt says as Mercedes looks sympathetically.

Kurt goes into the living room, Sugar and Puck now in a clench in a deserted arm chair. He taps them on the shoulder.

“Blaine puked, party is over. Let’s go. Sugar, get Santana and her girlfriend, Puck, find Mike.”


Kurt finds Blaine leaning over a trashcan outside of the house. He frowns at the sound of Blaine’s vomiting before he walks over and rubs a hand over his back.  Blaine stops heaving long enough to look up at Kurt.

“I think I just turned inside out.”

“I know the feeling, I’ve been there. I’ll get you some water.”

“Is Rachel okay. I realize it’s not flattering to kiss a guy and have him run off to vomit.”

“Well, you could have thrown up on her.”

“Oh god.” Blaine says miserably before turning back to the trash can. Kurt pats his back one more time before he turns and goes back into the house. Santana, Brittany, Puck, Mike and Sugar are standing in the kitchen.

“Should have known he wouldn’t have much tolerance, he’s so tiny.”

“Everytime my hamster drinks, she throws up.” Brittany says seriously, Santana rubs her arm soothingly. Kurt grabs a bottle of water off the table.

“Mike, can you take this out to Blaine on the porch, I’m going to find Rachel.”

Mike nods and takes the bottle, Kurt walks towards the back door.

When we walked out the back door, he finds Rachel in a lawn chair, frowning and looking in the water.

“I know what you’re going to say Kurt, but if Blaine turns out to be straight, I’m not backing off.”

“If he turns out to be straight? Rachel, do you hear yourself? You have two gay Dads, how could you think he would just decide to be straight? It doesn’t work that way.”

“Well, he could be bi. He doesn’t know. How many girls do you think he’s kissed?”

“It doesn’t matter Rachel. I’ve never kissed a girl, and I know I’m gay.”

“You’re different.”

“Different how? Because I have a high voice, and I’m into fashion and couldn’t pass for straight, not even to a blind man? That has nothing to do with how gay I am.”

“If Blaine is bi, I’m not backing off. And if he’s straight even better. I could finally find myself a boyfriend who can keep up with me vocally and give me vaguely Eurasion babies.”

“How much have you had to drink, you are talking like a crazy person! He puked Rachel. You kissed him and he puked. What more of a sign do you need?” Kurt asked exasperated.

“He puked because he’s drunk. You just don’t want to admit that you’re jealous and threatened, because you know if there’s a possibility that Blaine likes girls, I’ll have a higher chance than you.”

“There is no possibility of him liking girls, and if there is it’s because he’s trying to tip toe back into the closet. But the truth that you refuse to accept is that should Blaine choose to be with someone in this house, you will be his last choice because you’re a girl. Let’s go, everyone’s waiting in the car.”

Chapter 6
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