Stop Being Polite (A Glee/The Real World AU) 2/?

May 07, 2012 22:19



“Ain't nothin' gonna to break my stride, nobody's gonna slow me down, oh-no, I got to keep on movin'”  Rachel’s alarm goes off and she pops striaght out of bed.

“Daddy, is this another raid?” Sugar asks sleepily from her bed, pink leopard print sleep mask still over her face.

“Are you kidding me?” Kurt yells from underneath his pillow. “Rachel, I swear if you don’t make it stop, I will murder you. And they won’t find your body.”

“Kurt, I told you I will not sacrifice my routine while I’m here.” Rachel gets out of bed and turns on the light, dodging Kurt’s pillow as she goes over to the dresser and starts looking through it. She pulls out her workout clothes, turns off the light and leaves the room.

“I have a rigorous diet and exercise routine. I’m up at 6am everyday, I have a protein shake with banana and flaxseed oil and by 6:10, I’m on the elliptical. You know how I motivate myself? Not with anything artificial, I set a goal and I won’t rest until I reach it. I don’t care if my roommates have a problem with it, I won’t let myself go just to make friends here.”

Rachel is at the kitchen, standing at the blender in her workout clothes making her shake when a very tired looking and disgruntled Kurt and Sugar come in. Sugar goes straight to the couch and face plants, and Kurt gives Rachel his best bitch glare as he walks past her and to the coffee maker.

“I think I’m dying”, Sugar whines from the couch, her voice muffled by the cushions.

“Well, perhaps you’ll think twice before over indulging.  You’ll notice I had one modest drink and I’m perfectly fine.”  Rachel pours her shake into her thermos before storming out of  the kitchen and up the stairs.

“I hate her Kurt. I really hate her.” Sugar says from the couch.
“I know, Sugar.” Kurt walks into the living room with two mugs and hands one to Sugar.

Rachel sits on the floor of the workout room, stretching.

“La la la la la la la me me me me me meeeee.....”

Sugar looks up at the ceiling, frustrated look on her face.

“Oh my god. She can’t be serious.”

“La la la la la la la laaaaaa”  comes in muffled through the wall. Santana looks around.

“Oh hell no.”

“What the hell?” Dave sits up in his bed. “Who is that?”

“Make it stop” Mike mumbles from his bed.

Puck sits up and looks at the clock. “At least she sounds good.” Then he rolls over and goes right back to sleep.
Rachel is still on her floor on the yoga mat, stretching and warming up her voice when Santana storms in the room.

“Uh uh, hobbit. No freaking way. You are not waking up the whole house with this crap.”

“Santana, I know you may not understand this, but I need to maintain my instrument if I’m going to go back to school when this is over.”

“You’re not gonna have an instrument if you do this every day for six weeks. Shut it up. It’s too damn early.”

“I’m not going to let you--”

“No, see you don’t understand. No one interrupts my sleep. You need to practice your arias or whatever, take your ass outside on the beach and you can wake up all the whales and dogs or whatever, but I swear if you wake me up at O’ Dark thirty with this crap again, it won’t be pretty.”

“I don’t see myself making it through this six weeks without killing Rachel. I just don’t know how I’m going to live with her, she’s crazy. “

When Santana comes down stairs, Puck and Mike are sitting are sitting on the couch drinking coffee and talking with Sugar and Kurt.

“So since Rachel decided to wake everyone in the house up, what do you say we go to breakfast?”
Santana asks as she goes into the kitchen. “I’m the only one from around here, so how about I play tour guide. We’ll go eat, and then maybe we can hit the beach.”

“Alright everyone, I’ll wake Dave, you guys get showered or whatever.” Puck hops up and everyone but Kurt follows. He puts his face in his hands and takes a deep breath. Santana notices something is up, but turns to go up the stairs.

“I don’t know if I should tell any of the roommates the things Dave said to me, because I really don’t know how they feel about me being gay. I mean, what if they feel the same. Obviously, Santana and Rachel won’t have a problem with it, but Puck? Mike? It’s not like I haven’t had to deal with this before. I’ll just avoid being alone with him. I don’t think he’ll do anything anyway, there’s cameras and crew people everywhere.”

“So after breakfast, which was a pain in the ass because Rachel’s a vegan, so when I wanted to take everyone to Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles for a real taste of LA, we had to go to some frou frou place in Century City that had Vegan treats, we decided to hang out on the beach.”

Santana, Rachel and Sugar are laid out on towels, tanning while the guys are swimming. Kurt is sitting under an umbrella, hat, and sunglasses on, covered from head to toe, drawing in a sketch book. Rachel gets up from her towel and sits next to Kurt.

“So, Kurt, what are you up to? You’ve been quiet today?”

“Well, if I’d gotten more than three hours of sleep, that might have helped me show my sparkling personality.” Kurt says tersely as he goes back to his drawing.

“I’m sorry, but it’s very important to me to keep my routine.”

“And it’s very important to me to get my sleep. It’s bad enough you guys left me to peel Sugar off of Puck and get her into bed. Lack of sleep causes pre-mature wrinkles, Rachel.”

Rachel rolls her eyes and takes a deep breath before continuing, “What are you working on? Is this for school?”

“No. I just like to sketch out ideas when they come to me, or when I’m stressed out.  Just some ideas for if I ever get my own clothing line.”

“Ooh, what kind of clothing line? Can I see?” Rachel tries to peak at his notebook, he pulls it away.

“Oh no you don’t. No one sees my ideas.  Trust me, you wouldn’t like it, there’s not an animal sweater to be found.  Why don’t you go harass Sugar, and try to explain to her that it’s unethical to skin peacocks.”

“I’m sure most of her feathers are faux, I don’t think those colors can be found in the wild.”

“I was being sarcastic, Rachel.”

“Oh...I knew that.” Rachel pulls her knees up to her chin and stares out to the ocean.

“Hey guys!” Mike calls from down the beach, “Wanna play football? Boys against girls!”

“Ugh, no.”  Kurt rolls his eyes and goes back to his sketch.

“Come on, Kurt. It could be fun. We could get to know our roommates, have some fun.”

Kurt looks at the group gathering, and then back to Rachel, “Okay, if you insist.”

Kurt puts his sketch book down and follows Rachel.

“The teams are uneven, so one of the guys is gonna have to join our team”, Santana is saying when they walk up.

“Well, we know who the obvious choice to join the girl’s is, don’t we.”, Dave throws a dirty look at Kurt as he approaches.

“Oh yeah, Porkchop? And who would that be?”

“Guys, guys, calm down. We’ll just rock paper scissors.” Mike steps between Dave and Santana.

“No, it’s fine. I’ll go on the girl’s team. It’s no big deal.” Kurt steps over to the guys side, glaring at Dave, who looks away.

“So, we playing tackle?” Santana says, bending over to stretch.

“No, I don’t want to hurt you ladies” Puck replies, not even hiding the fact that he’s checking out Santana while she stretches.

“Bring it on. So, who’s gonna be our QB? Kurt?”
“I played Kicker for a while  in high school, but I think I could handle QB.”

Dave snorts.


“You played football? In high school? What kind of school did you go to that they let you play?”

“What do you mean, let me play? I tried out, I made the team, I won us the only game of the season. They were lucky to have me.”

“Team must have sucked.” Dave mumbles under his breath. Santana is making her way over to him when Kurt grabs her arm to stop her.

“What? You just gonna let him say that crap to you?”

“He’s not worth it.”

“Yeah, Porkchop? He’s on my list.”

“Yeah, that game didn’t last long. I don’t know what Dave’s deal is, but he had it out for Kurt.  Took every opportunity to take him down. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he had the hots for him or something. I mean, I was just trying to tackle the chicks, see if I could get their boobs to come out of their bikinis.”

“It got to the point where the game wasn’t fun, watchign Kurt get dragged to the grass. I tried to stop it, to get Dave to just have fun, maybe he’s just so used to playing seriously that he can’t just let it go. Eventually, Kurt got tired of it and went inside. So we ended the game pretty quickly. We’d had an early day and everyone was just really tired.”

Kurt sits on his bed, head in his hands crying. He hears the house phone ring, so he takes a deep breath, wipes his eyes and goes out to the hallway to answer.


“Hey kid, how ya doin? I thought you were gonna call me when you got there, let me know you were settling in okay.”


“What’s wrong, Kurt? And don’t tell me it’s nothing, because I know that voice, and that’s not your nothing voice.”

“I’m fine, Dad, I just miss you.” Kurt clears his throat, “How are you doing? How’s Carole and Finn?”

“We’re good, same as always. You tell me about you? How’s LA treating you, how’s that house?”

“The house is amazing, Dad. It’s right on the beach, it has this amazing view of the ocean, and on top of that, we have a pool on the roof and the kitchen has stainless steel appliances.”

“Oh, you been bugging me about getting you the stainless steel in the kitchen since you were 10. How’s your roommates? They treating you okay?”

Kurt takes a deep breath, willing himself not to start crying again, “They’re great, Dad. Everyone is really cool. There’s this girl Rachel, she’s either going to be my best friend or my worst enemy, I haven’t decided yet.”

“Think you’re gonna get a chance to visit Mercedes?”

“God Dad, I hope so.  But I hear my roommates coming back in, I’ll call you tomorrow Dad. I love you.”

“I love you too, Kurt. You let me know if anything’s bugging you, okay?”

“I will Dad. Bye.”

“I couldn’t tell my Dad about Dave. Two years ago, he had a heart attack, he almost died. Stress could kill him, and not being able to do anything, that would drive him nuts, and I can’t be responsible for my Dad getting sick again. I can handle this. I have to handle this.”

Kurt comes downstairs to find everyone gathered around the dining room table.

“Hey, Kurt, did you see this?” Mike holds up a sheet of paper.

“No, I just went straight upstairs, why, what is it?”

Mike looks down at the letter, “Dear Roommates, if you’re going to live here, you’re going to need to work. Please be ready tomorrow at 10 am and meet me at my skate shop on the 3rd Street Promenade. No dress code, but dress comfortably, tomorrow, you learn how to build skateboards.”

Chapter 3

character: dave karofsky, character: santana lopez, character: mike chang, character: rachel berry, character: kurt hummel, character: noah puckerman, character: sugar motta

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