Nov 17, 2010 03:23

Title: Ignis PROLOGUE
Author: kaybee38
Rating: PG
Pairings: Minho/Yuri, JongKey, Minho/Onew. Taemin/Sulli
Genre: fantasy, sci-fi, character death
Disclaimer: SHinee is owned by SM Entertainment only
Summary: Teneo are humans that live among us that have a genetic mutation that gives them the ability to live on indefinitely. They each have unique abilities and they don't physically age past 25. They all lead double lives since their "gifts" are a secret, some not even realizing that there are others like them. But someone has found a way to kill them. Jonghyun, with the help of a covert society has been secretly trying to warn and protect as many of his kind as he can before it's too late. Onew, Minho, Taemin and Sulli all end up joining forces with him to try to track down the killer before they can strike again. The bonds that grow between them along with their powers might be enough to save them, but the killer is closer to them than they realize.
A/N: This is the behemoth that I've been working on for months. It combines my love of anime, mangas, fantasy and sci-fi. It's heavily influenced by Highlander, Heroes, Full Metal Alchemist, X-Men and Parable of the Sower. This story is dedicated to stjoan4eva and her girl kinnosuikazura (thank you for your help and for harassing me till I posted this) and all of you SHinee fans who've ever wished they had special powers.




A tall young man made his way into the restaurant with a beautiful petite flapper sporting a pixie cut on his arm. She was too busy admiring the small bouquet of teacup roses in her hand to notice that his arm was shaking a bit. As a handsome young waiter guided them to a table near the back, he was too distracted with trying to stop shaking that he didn’t notice the waiter staring at his date for a moment after he had pulled the chair out for her. Letting them know that he would be back shortly to take their order, the waiter placed the menus in front of them, filled their glasses with water and glanced at her once more before moving away.

“These are beautiful Minho, thank you!” The tall young man smiled down at his date. Looking over her features, contemplating what he should do next. He didn’t answer her until she waved the flowers in his face. “Hey! You in there?” He blinked and looked into her eyes.

“I love you.”

His lips never moved.

Her hand slid across the linen tablecloth coming to rest only when it rested on top of his. She then leaned towards him, lowering her voice to a whisper.

“It really has more meaning when things like that are said out loud you know.”

Minho squeezed her hand, cleared his throat, and raised his voice enough for half the restaurant to hear.

“I love you Yuri! You’re the most beautiful woman in the-” His declaration was muffled by a small hand that smelled of roses and lavender clamped over his mouth suddenly.


Her cheeks flushed pink as his shoulders shook with laughter and he kissed the palm of her hand still pressed to his lips, as she looked around the restaurant mouthing apologies. Looking back at him, Yuri turned her head to the side to glare at him out of the corner of her eye as she squinted a bit.

“Are you going to behave?”

Minho nodded quickly like a child promising to be on his best behavior. Yuri shook her head as she removed her hand and Minho rubbed his jaw a bit, as if her grip had damaged it in some way.

“Oh please.”

Yuri rolled her eyes and took a sip of water. As Minho raised his glass and took a look at the menu, Yuri blew him a kiss. As he tipped the glass to his lips to take a sip, he heard a crackling sound and his eyes narrowed.

The water in the glass was suddenly frozen solid.

Yuri laughed behind the same hand she used to muzzle her date moments ago as Minho scowled at her and quickly stood the menu up on the table in front of him. Effectively obscuring the frozen glass from view as the waiter returned to take their order.

Minho did notice this time, how the waiter lingered and made sure to repeat the specials to Yuri even leaning over her to point things out on the menu for her to try. His feline eyes looking her over once or twice. When Yuri looked back at her date after placing her order, she noticed a shift as Minho was glaring at someone over her shoulder.

“Now what?”

“I believe you have an admirer.”

Minho was still not looking at her, face turning dark. Her hand quickly returned to his and squeezed.


He ignored her still looking away.

“Minho look at me.” Reluctantly, he did as he was told.

“Don’t.” She raised her index finger level with his nose.

“What? I didn’t do anything....yet.” Minho almost growled the last word his voice was so low.

“Minho if you don’t stop it this instant, I swear I’ll freeze your feet to the floor!” she hissed.

Minho looked at her amused.

“You can DO that?”

“Don’t tempt me.”

Yuri looked annoyed, and as she tried pulling her tiny hand away,  Minho caught it with his. She still wouldn’t look at him as she felt his hand pull away leaving something small and velvet in her hand in its place. Yuri’s eyes got wide as she stared at the little box for a moment.

“I-Is this? Oh my God Minho...is this?”

“Open it.”

Yuri’s hands started to shake so badly, that she dropped the box on the table like a hot potato. They both reached for it at the same time, and as their hands touched, he felt her fear, her love, her anxiety, her thoughts.... all at once.

“Oh my God is this really happening?” she thought.

“Yes, darling. Yes it is.”

Minho answered her unspoken question out loud as he rounded the table dropping to one knee. Opening the box to reveal a simple yet beautiful filligree ring he looked into her eyes.

“Yuri you are the one I want to spend eternity with.”

Yuri released a single tear when she heard the word “eternity”. After all, it had a special meaning for them.

“I love you more than life itself, and it would make me so happy if you would be my wife.”

Yuri blinked, then grabbed him so quickly and kissed him, he almost lost his balance.

“YES! YES! YES!”  her mind screamed.


Minho leaned in to whisper in her ear.

“It really has more meaning when things like that are said out loud you know.”

Yuri laughed, covering her mouth with one hand, and playfully hitting him on the shoulder with the other.

“Yes! Minho Choi! I will marry you!” she shouted to the whole restaurant.

Tears were streaming down both of their faces as he slipped the ring onto her finger. He couldn’t remember ever being so happy. Patrons who’d heard the exchange stood up clapping and cheering as she stood up waving around her new jewelry, some women releasing tears of their own. He kissed her again before standing up,

“I’ll be right back Mrs. Choi.” he said with a deep voice that always made her melt.

She smiled up at him marveling at his words and nodded before looking back down at her hand. Ogling at the ring and giggling to herself.

The night’s events had effectively taken their toll on the young man’s nerves as he quickly made his way to the men’s room. As he passed their waiter on his way to the back, they locked eyes for a moment.

Minho sensed something dark that he’d never felt before, and it frightened him, but when he turned around the waiter was gone. He was washing his hands in the men’s room, trying to make sense of what he’d felt when he smelled something pungent, and then he heard a scream.

It was Yuri.

He dashed out of the men’s room running right into chaos, people stared at him in blind panic as they fought their way to the back door. He pushed through the small crowd of screaming people, desperately trying to get past them. In horror he looked as the entire dining room was in flames, and as he approached his table, his heart stopped. There, on the floor, where he had kneeled and proposed minutes before, were the remnants of Yuri’s bouquet of flowers, petals blackened by fire.

He froze as he desperately tried to hear her, to feel her, anything.

One half of him knew that she was gone, the other half refused to accept it. The battle within him raged for a few seconds, and he knew what would happen if he looked up, he knew the consequences, but he had to take a chance. He had to see her just one more time. As he raised his head, he heard a familiar voice yelling at him.


In an instant, he was whipped around and was being dragged out of the restaurant in the opposite direction. He recognized the arm pulling him and the voice as Changmin’s.

What's he doing here?

He wrenched his arm away and turned back. That’s when he saw her.

Then everything went black.


A/N: So there's a taste. I hope you guys like this. Ignis is latin for "fire" and Teneo is latin also and means to keep on, persist or persevere. COMMENTS ARE LOVED!

pairing: jonghyun/key, pairing: minho yuri, pairing: minho/onew, pairing: taemin/sulli, #rating: pg, tofuho, !fic: ignis

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