Title: Ignis/Chapter 16 - "Mimus"
Author: kaybee38
Rating: PG-15
Pairings: friendship!Jonghyun/Onew, Minho/Onew, Taemin/Sulli, eventual!JongKey, broken!Minho/Yuri
Genre: fantasy, sci-fi, fooling around in the back of a library
Disclaimer: SHINee and Super Junior are owned by SM Entertainment only
Summary: Teneo are humans that live among us that have a
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Comments 28
Ok first, the Tofuho made me squee with happy! <3333333333
Second, Q is MADE of WIN, omg, dying! <333333 (And do I spy budding KyuChul? Hehhh)
Jinki was so cute! *huggles him* And Minho! <3333333
Taeminnie, you ok there bb? *peers*
Jjong being smug cracked me up! Dork!
The ceremony made me sporfle, mostly because it made me think of my made-of-fail-sangtae-full similar ceremony into my music honor sorority (seriously if there was a way to fail, I or my sisters did during that thing, kekeke).
All in all, it was a really good chapter! And I was so happy to have something shiny and new to read! <333333 *HUGGLES UNNIE*
Moments later the delicious smell of food hit Onew’s nostrils as Q sat at Heechul’s table with a plate of grilled pork chops and steamed buns. Dark green cloth napkin stuffed into his shirt, knife and fork in each hand as if he was sitting at a restaurant. He licked his lips and closed his eyes as he chewed and savored the taste, he swallowed before speaking.
“Oh. Now this, “ Q gestured to his plate with his fork, “…is divine.”
ohhh, I love Q.
Jonghyun giggled as he sauntered over, attempting to pick one of the buns off of his plate, only to have his hand slapped with a pair of chopsticks by Q, who wasn’t even looking at him.
he would :D
“What?!” Onew, Taemin and Sulli all said at the same time. Minho said it too, but no one could hear him.
it's cause he's quiet right? a little lurch XD ( ... )
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