play hard

Mar 02, 2013 18:35

play hard
kris/jessica → nc-17, 656 words

pwp. another drabble because I don't feel like working on my 3k (so far) long fic atm. please forgive me, I tried. kill me now

Delicious shudders wrack through Kris’ body as lithe fingers skitter across his jawline. Jessica murmurs sweet nothings, breath hot against his ear. Her lips ghost across his cheek before languidly kissing him, a tentative tongue prods at Kris’ lips and he gasps when Jessica tugs particularly hard at his hair.

He chuckles, voice rough as his hands wander up Jessica’s naked back, fingers dancing along her spine, honey brown curls cascading down her back. Jessica sits perched on his lap, pale thighs on either side as she straddles him. Kris leans forward to nip at her ear before peppering kisses down the side of her neck.

Everything is hot, agonizingly burning as Kris splays his hands against Jessica’s lower back, thumbs digging into her hip bones as she rides him. Sweet moans of “ah ah ah” tumble from her lips as Jessica bounces on his cock, head thrown back to expose the pale skin of her neck. The sweat-sheen skin looks enticing, Kris’ eyes never leaving Jessica’s form as he watches her expressions change as his hips match the pace she sets.

Jessica keens when Kris hits a particular spot and soon his hips start snapping up, fast and erratic, as her moans turn into sobs. The slapping of skin against skin is obscene as the sounds echo in the otherwise unoccupied room.

Jessica hands begin to wander again, one gripping his shoulder as the other threads through his hair, finger nails lightly scraping against his scalp. Kris trails a hand up from its place on her hip, lightly caressing a nipple before wrapping it around the back of Jessica’s neck to pull her down into a heated kiss.

They break apart when the need for oxygen is too much, a trail of saliva connecting their mouths. Kris’ eyes are hooded as they watch Jessica’s breasts bounce with every thrust, her mouth chanting “faster, faster, faster” and Kris obliges, hips brutally snapping up. His cock buries itself to the hilt over and over, hitting that sweet spot that has Jessica screaming his name and coming with a wanton gasp.

Warm walls clamp down on his cock and Kris’ eyes roll back; he lets instinct take over as he continues to fuck Jessica to completion when his near-orgasm has his body shaking in response. A guttural groan is ripped from his throat as fingers dig into her hips. Kris vaguely wonders if those are going to leave bruises. Probably.

The two of them lay there in the afterglow, bodies satiated from mind-blowing orgasms. Jessica still remains in Kris’ lap, his cock still buried within her, body boneless as she rests her forehead against Kris’ shoulder. She absently traces shapes along his collar bone while Kris wraps his arms around her naked torso, burying his face into her hair.

Jessica chuckles lightly, fingers stopping their ministrations when she moves away, forcing Kris to stop inhaling her shampoo as her warm gaze fixes on his face. Kris shoves away the cold emotions that try to invade his thoughts when she leans in to kiss him before moving to stand up. His flaccid cock slips out when Jessica lifts herself up and off.

She meanders around the room, grabbing the discarded clothes that litter the floor before putting on her panties and bra. Jessica makes her way to the bathroom with a bundle of fabric, the soft click of the lock indicating she doesn’t want to be disturbed.

Kris sits on the couch, mind still swimming from the overwhelming orgasm before he gathers enough of his sense to slip the used condom off and throwing it in the nearby waste basket.

Minutes pass before Jessica reappears, hair mussed and it obviously looks like she’s been thoroughly shagged but Kris doesn’t comment. She smiles before wandering over, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips as she whispers “until next time.”

Then she’s gone, leaving Kris sitting stark naked on the couch.

fandom: exo, fandom: snsd, female: jessica, *type: drabble, pairing: kris/jessica, male: kris

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