
Feb 26, 2013 19:33

suho/sunny → pg, 1073 words

wrote this because I'm having writer's block. kinda sorta not really based on this quote. ignore the fast pace idek what this is anymore.

Suho watches as she walks away, hips swaying and short pieces of bleach blonde hair fluttering in the breeze. The winter chill creeps up his arms, hands coming up to rub against his sleeves. He has 5 layers of clothing on but that doesn’t stop the cold from seeping into his heart.

The tips of his fingers have gone numb.

Sunny is a whirlwind, that’s for certain. It’s an emotional rollercoaster Suho finds himself unable to get enough of, the ups extra high and the downs depressingly low. She’s everything he could ever want but all the things he doesn’t need; they don’t fit, two puzzle pieces placed haphazardly side by side but they try to make it work.

Sometimes Suho wonders if this does more harm than good. But when Sunny’s lips capture his own in a chaste kiss thoughts like that flutter away, only to be remembered at three in the morning and Suho’s having a fitful sleep.

He remembers their first meeting crystal clear.

2006, he had just been ushered into the hallway along with nine others who were also recruited to be trainees. Joonmyun gulps, palms sweating when their guide of sorts leads them down the hallway, muttering how these are the practice rooms of their sunbaes. They stop by the last room at the end, ten curious faces peering into the window to watch nine girls rehearsing; it seems intense as Joonmyun drinks it all in, the bass of the song thrumming against the glass where his hands are placed.

They’ll be debuting next year, So Nyeo Shi Dae, Girls’ Generation, Joonmyun recalls vaguely.

The music suddenly stops, a few of the girls drop to the floor in exhausted heaps, three decide to make their way to the bench at the back, grabbing a bottle from the plastic bags placed on the floor. The door makes a loud creek as it opens, two girls spilling out into the hallway in a fitful of giggles and gasps.

All the trainees stiffen slightly, bowing ninety degrees when the girls, their sunbaes, take notice of them. Their guide, Minho if he recalls correctly, formally greets them.

When they all stand upright once more the two girls are looking at them curiously. The shorter of the two has her head tilted to the side, eyes wide and lips pursed in an expression that resembles a blowfish. Joonmyun thinks she’s kind of cute like that. The taller has a more stoic expression, gaze calmingly blank as she blatantly observes each of them in turn.

Joonmyun watches in barely concealed fascination as Minho smiles for the first time, the corners of his lips stretching upwards to reveal two rows of pearly white teeth. He turns to their little group as he introduces them, gesturing to the taller of the two girls as “Jessica noona” and the shorter as “Sunny noona.”

Sunny, Joonmyun notes, is the cute one that he likes. He blushes crimson when her gaze lands on him, though. Minho insists that they continue with the tour, politely excusing them from their sunbaes before he’s ushering everyone to turn the corner. Joonmyun lingers a bit in the back, glancing over his shoulder. Jessica has disappeared from sight but Sunny is still there, eyes imploring and a lot less playful than they were a few moments ago.

Joonmyun involuntarily gulps when their eyes meet.

Three months pass before Joonmyun sees Sunny again.

Joonmyun forgets how fast seasons change and suddenly it’s not summer anymore and he finds himself in a thin sweater shivering in the early autumn chill. He spots her at the bus stop a few blocks away from the SM building, her side profile is unmistakable.

“We’re debuting in August,” Sunny breathes as Joonmyun approaches. “I don’t know if I’m happy or sad, honestly.”

Joonmyun nods his head solemnly; it’s the end, fast-approaching but far enough away that it doesn’t seem real. He’s not sure if he should be happy or sad either.

It’s a bit bothersome.

He says nothing as he watches Sunny nibble on her bottom lip, eyes glazed over as she loses herself in thoughts.

Joonmyun pretends not to care when a small hand with delicate fingers intertwine with his own. He doesn’t bother to acknowledge how the gesture makes his heart rate spike or how cool Sunny’s palm is against his own.

He ignores the sharp twinge in his chest, willing away the dread that creeps into his heart.

By May So Nyeo Shi Dae are practicing in their sunbaes rooms on the upper levels of the building (Jongin’s words echo in his mind: “they’ll be our sunbaes soon enough.”) Joonmyun isn’t allowed to visit their practice room anymore.

Sunny doesn’t return his calls or respond to his texts anymore; the operator’s tone is an odd comfort when she repeats “this number is no longer in use.”

Joonmyun feels cold even as the heat of summer nears.

Two weeks before her debut, Sunny catches him on his way to a vocal lesson. Her eyes a bright, hair glistening as Joonmyun takes in her petite form. She’s breathless but her grip on his shirt sleeve doesn’t let up.


It’s the only thing she says as she stares into his eyes; Joonmyun finds himself drawn in, hypnotized even.

“Let me call you Suho from this day on, Kim Joonmyun,” Sunny says, cheeks blushing a pale pink.

Joonmyun audibly swallows and Sunny takes that as consent.

When August rolls around Joonmyun finds himself at Inkigayo, body being shoved by excited fans.

“They’re supposed to be the female version of Super Junior.”

“I heard they’re all very pretty, like porcelain dolls.”

Pretty they are indeed. Beautiful is a more accurate term Joonmyun finds himself mentally adding wryly.

On August 7th, 2007, Kim Joonmyun disappears to be replaced by Suho. Lee Soonkyu was never just Lee Soonkyu to Joonmyun; she was Sunny, the girl who took his heart, mind, and soul.

Up on stage Suho watches as Sunny smiles and dances, voice strong as she sings with the rest of her members. She sparkles on stage, another celestial being floating just above everyone else, just out of reach.

His chest aches when he returns to his dorms later that night, warm tears trickling down rosy cheeks as he stares at his autographed copy of “Into the New World.”

I love you - Sunny ☼

Suho finds himself dying a little on the inside.

fandom: exo, fandom: snsd, male: suho, female: sunny, pairing: suho/sunny, *type: drabble

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