Title: Broken
Author: Diana
yamada_loveGenre: Angst-ish again
Rating: PG-ish
Pairing: Nakajima Yuto x OC
Disclaimer: I own HSJ and no, I'm not willing to share :P
Summary: After breaking her heart, Yuto realized he really, truly, loved her. But sometimes, there just isn't a second chance.
It is the pain I cannot feel, only numbness takes over my body.
The reality is much too hard to bear; I cant look at myself in the same way anymore.
I know I broke your heart; telling you that I didn't love you anymore.
It wasn't until you left, tears streaming down your innocent face, that I too was broken.
You were the best thing I could have hoped for; you were my princess and I was your prince charming.
But that fairytale dream has shattered.
I still remember you; your slender hand holding mine, your gentle voice, and your soft, sweet lips against mine.
I remember the way your hair would be lifted up by the breeze as you waited for me after school.
The warm hugs, the sweet kisses, I can never forget.
I can never forget you.
But deep down, I know we're both broken inside.