Title: Under the Covers We Go
Author: Me! Diana
Genre: Fluff. Crack, lots of it
Originally Posted: February 9, 2009
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied things *winks*
Pairing: Yamada Ryosuke x Nakajima Yuto
Disclaimer: I own everyone and you rule Mars.
Summary: Yuto’s sleeping over at Ryosuke house, but when Ryosuke invites him under the covers, what will happen then?
It was the usual routine. Yuto coming over, and then Ryosuke would drag Yuto shopping. Same old, same old. Same routine; same place same time, every weekend.
And of course, what are best friends for if they didn’t have sleepovers every weekend? Well… all I have to say, this one was slightly out of the ordinary, if you know what I mean.
“Maa~ Yama-chan, what are we going to do this time?”
“Hmmm… well, we already watched Death Note, both movies twice, all my anime DVDs and raided all the snacks in my house, so what do you want to do?”
“Let’s go up to your room!”
“Uhh… okay?”
Ryosuke watched his best friends back as Yuto hopped up and dashed up the stairs, tripping on the 9th step in the process. Ryosuke laughed at how Yuto could be so clumsy.
He got up and walked up the stairs, avoiding the mistake Yuto made earlier.
“So, why did you want to come up here Yuto?”
“I don’t know, to look at your air soft guns?”
Yuto approached Yamada’s display case of his guns, 4 in total.
“Okay… you’re usually not this interested in them.”
Yuto raised his arms up, stretching.
“I think I’ll go get my sleeping bag.”
“Okay, do what ever you want.”
“Hai, hai, hai…” was Yuto’s response before he dashed down the stairs once more.
- A little while later -
Yuto was preparing his sleeping bag as Ryosuke walked back into the room.
“Hey, Yuto.”
“Can I ask you to do something?”
“Uhh… sure?”
“Can you climb under the covers please?”
“Ehh… why?”
“Please!!! I want to show you something.”
“Anou… okay?”
Yuto did what he was asked and climbed into Ryosuke’s bed, while the shorter boy turned off the lights.
“Yama-chan, what are you doing?” Yuto asked, in a nervous voice.
“You’ll see.”
Even in the dark, Yuto could see a smirk forming on Ryosuke’s features; the tall tale sign of something happening. Right here, right now.
He could feel the bed shift as Ryosuke’s weight came down onto the bed. Of course Yuto was thinking of the worse scenarios.
Is Yama-chan GAY?!?!? Is he going to rape me??? Oh my god, but I’m straight! I don’t roll that way!!
As the thought began to swirl around Yuto’s head, he could feel the panic rising.
Oh no… oh no… he’s right next to me! What should I say?
“Umm… what are you doing?”
“You’ll see in a minute.”
And then Ryosuke pulled them both under the covers…
- Under the covers -
Ryosuke took something out of his pajama bottoms.
“Ehh?? What is that Ryosuke?!?!?”
“Something I’ve wanted to share with for a long, long time Yuto.”
Yuto looked at the object in Ryosuke’s hands. His eyes were the size of dishes; shock could be seen even with the room immersed in pitch black.
“Let me show you what it does.”
And then Ryosuke pushed the side and…
“Oh! Suggoi! It glows in the dark Yama-chan!”
“I know! Isn’t it the coolest thing ever??”
Both the boys were smiling now, Yuto’s previous worries melted away.
Thanks god he’s not gay…
Ryosuke’s thoughts were some what different.
Did he think I was going to do something to him? Huh, I don’t know.