Title: Not With A Bang But A Whimper
Summary: Remus grieves. (Supposed to be OotP/post-OotP, but could technically be some other time.)
Warning: 100-word drabble. Oneshot. Implied slash (in my brain, anyway). Duh. The title is from the last line of T. S. Eliot’s poem The Hollow Men.
Not With A Bang But A Whimper
Remus lets out a choked sob, wrapping
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Comments 2
That last sentence was perfect. It's interesting, too, how this could be easily read as November of 1981, too, but I think it works best in your era.
It's funny that you invoked Eliot because I've been reading a lot of Eliot lately. (It's April, why not read The Wasteland?)
That last stanza has always killed me, and the very last line struck me as right for the title. If I ever finish my papers and have enough time to read for myself, I would like to do some more Eliot reading - I haven't in a long time.
Thank you.
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