Title: Five Ways Remus’s Mind Worked When He ‘Embraced Black Like A Brother’ (And One Way It Didn’t)
Summary: Six oneshot drabbles. Ch. 17 of PoA (Cat, Rat, and Dog) - what's going on in Remus's head when he embraces Sirius?
Warning: Slash, of course, though nothing graphic. They're all 100-word drabbles. Also, there is Evil in the last.
Five Ways (And One) )
Comments 13
Particularly from Sirius' POV - just because Peter betrayed the Potters and framed Sirius doesn't mean that Sirius wasn't entirely justified in being suspicious of Remus during the first war.
It's my new favourite kink, this idea that Remus and/or Sirius is/was evil, though I admit I am a staunch believer that it's not canon, explanations and justifications or not. A friend of mine has charged me with writing a series of drabbles and oneshots in which they are both evil, and raise Harry to be evil as well. Or something like that. I've only written one so far, but we shall see where it goes.
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