Title: Blood Addict
kawaii_massu and
misslisieux Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong
Warning(s): Very very dark fic and mutilation theme. Unbeta-ed
A.N: This is only fiction and we were doing it only for fun, no offense for Jaejoong and Yoochun biased.
Red. Liquid. Cold. )
Comments 38
we did it, bb!!! yeahhh...
after a lot of talks and jokes, FINALLY! <33
I still can't believe it~ XDDD
we really really did it, bb.. *sniff*
they must be wondering how can we write this fic together, since it's only one-shot. LOL
anyway, dark fic is .. addictive~ ;D
Yes unnie, we DID it~ lmao
hehehe mei.. i don't know what will you say after reading this. xDDD
this fic is SCARYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
i almost can't believe u both write this... wkwkwwk...
but.. good job!! although i prefer the romantic scene both of u make.. *grin*..
but still, what the first reason was?? O_o
yes, me and lya can't believe it too that we actually wrote this. >"<
it was scary you know, the first time we wrote it. it was midnight when we were done and it was even scary for me because i was the one who had to proofread this and beta this. huhuhuhu...
ahahaha.. do you still remember about lya's 'promise' to make a fic with this theme? she finally came with the idea and wrote the first paragraph yesterday night. she got scared to continue and then asked me to do a collab on this fic. i thought it's interesting to try so i agreed. *grins*
we were writing this alternately on our chat at YM and gosh, i admit it was fun you know. hahahaha...
hahah midnight, just for both of u information, my mouth was in a big 'o' shape while reading this. Kekeke.. But ofc, so proud of both of u, trying something new and success. Congrats gals *huggles* ^o^
hehehehe.. Hennuuuuu... *hugs*
Love this! True makes me feel kinda sick'ish, but still love this! Wow I actually feel sorry for Jae.
Cool, I totally approve~
thank you for the spot <33333
of course you're not.. we're crazier for even thinking to write this. lol. even though it was scary for me and lya to write this, but i'm glad that you liked this.
but i agree with you, poor Jaejoong though. *grins*
thank you so much bb. ^^
Thanks for writing<3
you read it? Oh my~
thanks for reading hun!
p/s: I miss you my dongsaeng~ XDD hows JYJ showcase?
Missed you too~
JYJ showcase was freaking awesome!
well as far the writing, i would say it's good :) i can imagine the scenes one by one from the slit, the cut, the waving of decapitated hand (waaaaa...) the taste of blood... wah! more practice and people reading your dark fiction would have cold hands and feet while reading ;)
we even take turn to write this fic. kkk
I don't think I want to write another dark fic soon. DX
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