To Save A Life - Ch.1

Mar 23, 2010 15:58

Title: To Save A Life
Topic: Torchwood
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Summary: Sometimes, surviving isn't enough. Sometimes, you need more. Sometimes, you need to loose in order to gain.
Rating: T
Genre: AU, angst, comfort, friendship
Author's Note: Posted this on FanFiction, decided to bring it over here. I got this idea in the shower, of all places, no idea why, so please don't ask. ^_^ My mind works in very weird ways sometimes. This is an AU, and it's my first - thinking about doing more in the future. Enjoy, and feel free to leave comments.


"Here are ready to go, Captain."


"I'm here already!"


"Ready when you are."


"Right here with you, brother."


"She called in sick Jack, it's just us."

Captain Jack Harkness sat in the cockpit of his Tornado GR4, raring to go. The corners of his mouth turned down slightly, but the image was short lived. A large smile grew across his beautiful features as he got the go ahead from control. He flipped a few switches, a feeling of bliss sweeping through him as the plane came to life. It purred like a panther, ready to leap for the kill. This was the life. "Alright then crew, you know the drill. Recon only, lethal actions weren't approved. Let's go."

The sound of four other GR4's met Jack's ears, and the smile grew bigger. He was given the go ahead for takeoff, and moved his plane down the runway. Slowly at first, then picking up speed. Finally, he felt the small jolt as the wheels lifted off the ground, and the feeling of his stomach sinking down to the floor. Jack let out a whoop of delight and sped up, zooming off into the night sky, the rest of his team following closely behind.

The night sky was beautiful. They were flying well above the cloud line, and all it took was a small look upward to be bombarded with stars. Jack took a moment to marvel at them. What would it be like to reach out and touch the stars? He was jealous of the astronauts of the day, their lives revolved around going into space. Jack had tried; in fact, he had applied to become an astronaut. However, it wasn't meant to be, and he had been declined. He thought life wasn't worth living, until he discovered that the RAF allowed gay and bisexual men to join. And here he was, with his feet off the ground, flying for queen and country, but mostly for himself.

"Approaching enemy territory." Gray's voice came through the speaker, and Jack was jolted back to the present. There would be time to star gaze later. Now, there was work to be done.

"Alright boys, ladies, lets get this done." The Captain said, speaking into his earpiece. He leaned forward, flipping a switch to turn on his radar, and another to start the camera's mounted on the bottom of his plane. He smiled when his work was done, patting the control panel fondly. "Get 'er done, girl."

He sat back, his hands firmly on the controls. He listened to his team argue over the comms, and couldn't help but grin. They bickered like a pack of five year olds, but there was no group of pilots better.


He frowned and glanced at his radar. A small blip had appeared in the corner of the screen, and was rapidly approaching. Then, another appeared, and another. What the hell?

"Hey, guys, you see this?" Jack asked before radioing to control. "Control, this is Harkness, over."

"Harkness, this is control."

"Yeah, I got three…no wait. Four, five! I got five bogeys on the radar, approaching fast, over." Jack felt panic inside, but quickly shoved it down. Now wasn't the time. He glanced up, but couldn't see anything but the beautiful night sky.

"Harkness, I don't see anything, over."

Jack glanced at his screen, his eyes widening. Two more dots had appeared. Then, a small alarm sounded inside the cockpit and a light lit up on his control panel.

"Defensive maneuvers! Now!" He screamed into his comm, violently twisting his plane. It spun away, and seconds later several large bursts of light filled the sky. One was directly where he had been flying to.

"I'm hit! I'm fucking hit!" Came Owen Harper's voice, full of panic and fear.

Jack forced himself to concentrate, avoiding yet another blast. Where the hell had these guys come from? He glanced out of the cockpit, and he felt like he was going to through up. Seven fighter jets. Seven fucking fighter jets, and they were aiming as his team.

"Abort! Retreat! Get the fuck outta here!" He screamed over and over again. He turned on the machine guns located on his wings and started to fire at every enemy plane in sight, but he already knew it wasn't enough. He glanced over and saw Owen's parachute. Thank god he was safe.

Another explosion rocked his plane, and Jack heard screaming over his comms. Then, machine gun fire -not his own- shot through the night sky, and he watched as Owen's parachute was riddled with holes. Tears filled his eyes, and he heard the wails of the dying man over his comms.

"Harkness, this is control, get out of there!"

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing?!" He yelled as he turned tail. "Tosh? Suzie? Gray?"

No answer. Nothing but static and the sound of plane metal being torn apart in the night sky. He pushed on the controls, turning his plane around. He was not going to leave when his teammates were in danger. Letting out an animalistic yell, Jack released every weapon that his little plane held, targeting as many enemy jets as he could. Jack yelled again as he watched one of the enemies go down, then that unpleasant bleeping filled his cockpit again.

The loudest, most terrifying noise filled the air.

Then, nothing.




The noise continued constantly, every two seconds, it drilled into his brain like a screwdriver. He grunted, trying to form words, to tell it to stop making so much noise. He tried to open his eyes slowly, closing them quickly when the bright light pierced through his eyes.

Whispers. There were whispers. And the shuffle of feet. That he knew for sure. There were people in the room, moving and talking and making so much noise! He opened his eyes again, this time pausing to let them get used to the light. When everything came into focus, he realized that he was staring at a white ceiling. There were patterns of large squares on it, broken up only by the lights that were imbedded into the squares. He grunted and tried to move, but was stopped when a face loomed into view.

"Captain? Captain. Please don't move, calm down, everything's ok."

The voice sounded so soothing, so nice. He nodded and relaxed, his eyelids fluttering. What did the man mean, everything was ok? Of course it was ok, silly. There was one thing bothering Jack though. Where was he?

"Wh'r m'i?" He managed to get out, his tongue feeling heavy and foreign in his mouth.

"Captain Harkness, my name is Dr. Martha Jones. You're in the Veteran Long-Term Care Hospital in Cardiff. You've been through a lot."

Wait…what? Jack frowned, what the hell was she talking about? Why was he in the hospital? He struggled to sit up, feeling several tugs and pinches ad various tubes and wires became disconnected from his body. Jack tore off his blankets and tried to get out of the bed when he stopped. Something wasn't right…

He glanced at his legs. They were both wrapped in bandages, and there were several spots where it was obvious that injuries had been inflicted. His heart skipped a beat as he tried to move his toes.

They didn't respond.

Jack's eyes widened as suddenly he remembered. His heart beat faster and he started to get dizzy. The mission, the big blasts of fire as they lit up the sky. The screams of his team as they spiraled to the ground…

And then, The Captain leaned his head back, and let out an anguished howled.

Ianto Jones was jolted out of his restless slumber by a loud howl that sounded as if it came from across the hall. He frowned, the scream was almost non-human. There was so much pain coming from it, but then again, this was a place for those in pain and dying.

Ianto sighed and rubbed the grit away from his eyes. He glanced at the clock and groaned at the time. It was too early in the morning not to be asleep. He stretched out his arms and legs, feeling pins and needles as his limbs woke themselves up. He fought back a yawn and straightened his tie before glancing at the sleeping figure in the hospital bed.

She was still as beautiful as ever, her dark chocolate skin seeming to glow under his eyes. Ianto smiled and touched his hand to her cheek, softly stroking her. He watched her chest as it went up and down, up and down. The monitor next to her bed showed that she was sleeping peacefully at the moment, no bad dreams evading her brain.

Ianto took a moment just to stare at her, and he almost willed her eyes to open, her hand to twitch, anything. How long had she been in this never-ending slumber? Ianto knew the exact number of days that his love had been in the coma, yet he wouldn't ever bring himself to say the number. Two years.

He glanced up as a nurse entered the room, bring a tray with a single coffee cup on it, the mug filled to the brim. She smiled and sat the drink down on the table next to the hospital bed.

"Morning Ianto. Brenda said you were still here, so I thought I'd bring you some coffee. Not as good as you own, of course."

He gave a sad smile and thanked her, although they both knew the coffee would go untouched.

"I'm sorry about the noise, one of our new patients just woke up, poor bloke. Such a horrible situation for such a talented young man." The nurse didn't bother to smile this time, knowing there was nothing to smile about. It was not very often that the patients of this particular wing of the long-term care recovered. If any left, it was in a wheelchair or a casket.

Ianto didn't say anything, knowing there wasn't anything to say. Just another lost soul joining the pack.

The young nurse hesitated, then turned to leave. "You should go home, Ianto. Get some rest. You know we'll call you if anything happens."

He nodded, sticking his hands into his suit pockets, his eyes never leaving the woman in the hospital bed. "I know."

The nurse gave one last sad smile and a pity-filled glance at the young Welshman before leaving the room, her heels echoing as she walked down the dead hallway.

Ianto walked back over to his chair, but before sitting down he leaned over and planted a soft, loving kiss on the young woman's forehead. "Love you, Lisa."

jack harkness, torchwood, to save a life, ianto jones

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