Halfway out of the Dark

Jan 03, 2011 21:41

Title Halfway out of the Dark
Topic Torchwood
Characters Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, John Hart, Gwen Cooper, 10th Doctor, Owen Harper, Andy Davidson, Mickey Smith. Mentions Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, 9th Doctor
Pairings Jack/John, Jack/Ianto. Mentions Doctor/Rose
Genre AU, angst, humor, romance, hurt, friendship
Rating PG-13
Beta special thanks to both amuly  ( Read more... )

jack harkness, au, gwen cooper, jack/john, jack/ianto, john hart, torchwood, behind blue eyes, ianto jones

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Comments 22

jooles34 January 4 2011, 03:38:37 UTC
Mate, where to start? Fantastic to get this look at Jack and John before Ianto came along; see just how damaged Jack was by the incident that hurt him, and wonderful to see John at his awful, but fantastic best; especially seeing how much he really loved Jack. (and to be awfully shallow the image of John in smudged eyeliner? Humena). Jack's relationship with Gwen in fantastic, the line about not being able to love her the right way was kinda heart breaking. Adored too the reference to all the clocks in Ianto's house.

And the ending...So. Damn. Perfect.


kausingkayn January 4 2011, 03:52:50 UTC
Thanks so much! Glad I got across everything that I wanted too...It was hard, writing that first scene, because I went back and read the last few chapters of Behind Blue Eyes to get back into the mood, lol.


too_beauty January 4 2011, 04:09:21 UTC
loved this, as much as your previous series!!!!
Why on earth will Jack meet john???
looking forward to reading more soon!


kausingkayn January 4 2011, 04:19:39 UTC
Thanks so much! Icon = <3, by the way.
Jack's relationship with John is like an addiction. He wants to quit, and as long as he's away from the man, it's easy. But see him, be around him, and no matter what the risk, what he could loose, he can't say no.


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kausingkayn January 4 2011, 17:31:13 UTC
Hope you like it once you are able to sit down and enjoy it ^_^
My NaNo is original - first time I've done that. I'm still debating whether or not to post it on here.


milady_dragon January 4 2011, 17:23:01 UTC
So glad to have you back and writing!

This was brilliant, seeing how things were before Jack met Ianto. So sad that he was so wrecked after what happened to him, and an inside look at his relationship with John...nice. I did especially enjoy how he met Ianto, thinking he was going to be kidnapped and murdered...LOL!

Can't believe he was going to meet John, with the good thing he had going with Ianto...but some habits are just too hard to break.


kausingkayn January 4 2011, 17:30:16 UTC
Yeah, I chuckled when I thought of having them meet that way.
I have the rest of your story open on my iPod, I will read it eventually, promise, lol. I've been meaning too.


milady_dragon January 4 2011, 17:43:25 UTC
Little did Jack know the truth... :)

I'm not planning any sort of sequel until spring/summer, so you have a bit of time to get caught up.


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