Remember Me - Chapter 3 "Sleep Over"

May 15, 2010 15:06

Title Remember Me
Topic Torchwood
Main Pairing Jack/Ianto
Other Pairings 10th Doctor/Rose, 11th Doctor/Amy, Owen/Katie, Ianto/Lisa, one-sided Jack/John. That's all for now.
Summary The measure of immortality is taken in memories - and those that are left to remember. A simple story of the complicated life of Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones, starting ( Read more... )

jack/ianto, jack harkness, remember me, torchwood, au, ianto jones

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Comments 3

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kausingkayn May 15 2010, 22:24:01 UTC
Thanks for giving it a chance. ^_^


saint87 August 9 2010, 07:55:00 UTC
Just found this! Are there plans afoot to finish?


kausingkayn August 9 2010, 21:37:52 UTC
Sadly, this has become a victim to a severe decline in muses, and has been placed on haitus until further notice.


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