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Comments 8

godricgal January 4 2009, 00:22:23 UTC
He kinds looks like Robert Pattinson.

LOL That was my EXACT first response, too, but that wasn't a good thing for me. By the end of the show, though, I was quite a happy fan girl, grinning like an idiot, thinking that he was actually rather adorable and that it'll be quite a wait till 2010 to see him in action! :D


katyscarlett76 January 4 2009, 00:26:42 UTC
Yeah, I've watched the clips a couple of times now and agree that he seems rather adorable, definitely growing on me :) But I am definitely reserving judgement until I see him in action! And we have 4 more lots of DT first!


godricgal January 4 2009, 00:34:40 UTC
I was half excited, half dreading it, lol, and have decided that it could be a lot worse, i.e., an established actor I don't like. It was all the talk about a female replacement that I got me wound up, though Mum and I discussed it at length and didn't thing they'd really go for it. I'm not looking forward to the regeneration moment, but I am in anticipation of seeing what he can do.


katyscarlett76 January 5 2009, 14:51:09 UTC
I was dreading that it'd be someone I had preconceptions about. I'm actually really glad it's someone pretty much unknown. That's what I was hoping for most of all. Just wish he was a bit older, 26 seems so young to me these days... (old lady of 32!)


tegdoh January 4 2009, 01:56:54 UTC
We've just started watching the second season (that's how they label it here in the states, anyway) on netflix. Tennant is growing on me, I admit, although I think I prefer Eccleston's slightly darker Doctor. We've a long way to go before seeing 11 at this rate ... I'm counting on my flist to give me the scoop once young Mr. Smith debuts.

A 900+ year old man in the body of a twenty-something does have it's possibilities. It might be interesting if they actually play up the young looks, and let him have a hard time mustering the natural authority of the Doctor in such a young-looking body.


katyscarlett76 January 5 2009, 14:45:59 UTC
Oooh I kind of envy you only just getting into Ten, where are you up to? I think Tooth and Claw, Girl in the Fireplace and School Reunion are my especially favourite episodes. But then Doomsday....Oooh makes me want to watch them again!

Oh you'll definitely get the scoop from me :) Only 18 months to go!


merryb87 January 4 2009, 05:44:22 UTC
Why the hell didn't they just cast RPATTZ????!!!!!"

my guess it's because it would get to confusing? Cedric? Edward? THE DOCTOR?????????????? lol.


katyscarlett76 January 5 2009, 14:48:13 UTC
Yeah it would rather! But rather that than a RPATTZ clone!

To be fair to Matt, he isn't really like that, was just my first reaction. I've seen a few clips of him now and watched the interview a few times and he's definitely growing on me ;) He's rather adorable actually!


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