My HP Husband

Aug 08, 2008 08:57

Snagged from all over the flist

Your result for The Harry Potter Husband Test...
Mrs. Lupin

Your perfect HP man is Remus Lupin.

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remus, meme

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Comments 8

gilpin25 August 8 2008, 11:31:08 UTC
I'm Mrs Lupin too, though I did have fun working out which answers would land me with being Mrs Snape and forever unable to publish the results... LOL.

I did your drabble, btw, over at my LJ. I did add a couple of extra characters, hope that was ok!


katyscarlett76 August 15 2008, 12:52:20 UTC
It seems a popular answer, but considering my flist is full of Remus fangirls it's hardly surprising : )

And thanks : ) I haven't forgotten yours, I just haven't had much time for writing (or even posting on LJ!!) in the last week due to family stuff : (


merryb87 August 8 2008, 17:10:48 UTC
I'm Mrs. Lupin too...

Hmm I can see some problems arising lol.


katyscarlett76 August 15 2008, 12:52:42 UTC
LOL, we shall have to have some sort of rota ; )


kriz29 August 11 2008, 23:38:25 UTC
Yeeeessss I got Sirius, and I didn't even cheat! Hahaha


katyscarlett76 August 15 2008, 12:53:04 UTC
YAY!! That works out well then : )


psyche29 August 12 2008, 16:55:50 UTC
Funnily enough, I got Rem, too... XD.

Gotta love that quiet, intelligent werewolf vibe. ;)


katyscarlett76 August 15 2008, 12:53:42 UTC
Gotta love that quiet, intelligent werewolf vibe. ;)

Indeed you do : )


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