A David Tennant Drool Fest

Apr 19, 2008 00:03

It's late and I'm tired and I should go to bed but I just can't seem to stop looking at all the lovely picspams people have posted in honour of David Tennant's birthday *drools*

This one's a particularly good one for those of you who are Tennant-ly inclined

This one's pretty good too!

Lots of lovely stuff :)  And DW tomorrow can't wait!

Anyway must go ( Read more... )

dr who, hot men, david tennant

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Comments 2

gilpin25 April 19 2008, 19:53:07 UTC
It's his freckles that I love... And I really enjoyed DW tonight.

*Sighs happily at chance to use icon*


katyscarlett76 April 21 2008, 14:15:13 UTC
It's his freckles that I love

Ooooh yes, they kill me! The thought of being close enough to count em.......

That is a lovely icon *drools* : )


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