Chalion Drabble

Jul 08, 2010 17:21

Title: Slumber
Fandom: Curse of Chalion
Wordcount: 163
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Betriz/Cazaril
Summary: Betriz knows her husband all too well...

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fanfic, chalion

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Comments 13

shimotsuki July 8 2010, 16:32:40 UTC
This just gave me the biggest smile. A lovely little character study (candle economy included!), and the giggling chambermaids are perfect, too.

Glad to see fic from you, and Chalion fic to boot! (I don't know if you follow bujold_fic, but it looks like there might be a ficfest again this summer.)


katyhasclogs July 12 2010, 16:57:13 UTC
Yay! Glad to have made you smile. :) I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

Yes, I'd noticed the ficfest - I'll be watching with interest. :)


iamweebles July 8 2010, 16:54:05 UTC
I really enjoyed this - how like Beatriz to be one step ahead of Caz, and Caz to be so diffident. Man, I love those two characters and this just made me smile :)


katyhasclogs July 12 2010, 16:58:11 UTC
I had no idea you were a Chalion fan!

Thanks, I'm really glad you liked it. :)


iamweebles July 12 2010, 17:25:09 UTC
I read it when it first came out and flogged it mercilessly for a while, but no one paid attention to me :P


gilpin25 July 14 2010, 14:58:33 UTC
SO not true: I was just a little slow to pay attention! But I've been grateful to you ever since. :D


mrstater July 8 2010, 17:29:39 UTC
LOL So them! Adorable!

Also, love the new summery layout!


katyhasclogs July 12 2010, 17:02:07 UTC
Yay thanks! I'm really pleased you enjoyed it.

Also, love the new summery layout!

Ta. A combination of hot weather and the Van Gogh episode of Doctor Who made me long for yellow art. :)


bookish_brownie July 9 2010, 02:16:08 UTC
This was so cute! I think you captured them well.


katyhasclogs July 12 2010, 17:03:42 UTC
Thanks! I'm really pleased you liked it. :)


gilpin25 July 14 2010, 15:03:06 UTC
Aw, this feels and reads spot on for these two. I just know that 'a night in his own room will not kill him' means almost the exact opposite, and how endearing that Betriz has this sussed, too.

The 'stop fretting' is great as well.:D


katyhasclogs July 19 2010, 16:16:11 UTC
Thank you! I'm really glad you liked it. :D


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